How to wipe off brilliant green; how to wipe brilliant green from furniture
Brilliant green solution is a popular disinfectant. Its effectiveness is in question, but the ability to cover everything with bright persistent spots does not know competitors. If such a misfortune has happened to you, it is worth figuring out how to wipe off the brilliant green that got there where it was not planned.
Knowing how to wipe off brilliant green, you will not pass up in front of a difficult spot
Most often, the skin suffers from brilliant green. These can be hands that unsuccessfully opened the bottle or applied the product. Common case: traces of chickenpox treatment that cover the entire body and face. What to do to be able to go out to people?
How can you wipe brilliant green from the skin
There are several ways:
- Hands can be washed with a solvent such as acetone or gasoline. A small concentration of the substance is needed so as not to damage the skin.
- Suitable for cleaning table vinegar, laundry soap.
- Alcohol copes well with brilliant green. It is permissible for them to wipe the face, but very carefully, avoiding the area around the eyes.
- If brilliant green has recently come into contact with the skin, you can try to remove it with any exfoliating agent: scrub or peeling. But for heavily stubborn stains, this method is not suitable, and after chickenpox is prohibited.
- Removes brilliant green hydrogen peroxide. It does not work very actively, you will have to repeat the procedure several times, but the product is harmless to the skin.
You can find recommendations to deal with green stains with chlorine. It does a very good job, but it is toxic and can be harmful to health.
How to wipe brilliant green from furniture
Dealing with green stains on furniture is much more difficult. Sooner or later it will wash off the skin by itself, but what about a sofa or an armchair? Arm yourself with the following knowledge:
- It is necessary to wash the brilliant green from the fabric immediately after it gets into it. In this case, ordinary washing powder will help.
- An effective remedy is a special stain remover for carpets and furniture. They must be used carefully so as not to damage the fabric.
- If all else fails, it remains to use ammonia. You will have to endure an extremely unpleasant odor and prepare for possible damage to the surface of the fabric. An alternative is alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.
If brilliant green has got on the wooden floor, the stain can be removed by removing the top layer. Stains are sometimes washed off painted and varnished surfaces with alkaline soap, but in most cases they remain in place.
The best way to deal with traces of brilliant green is accuracy in handling, which helps to avoid such problems.
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