How to treat currants from pests in the fall
When the gardener notices that the currant bush looks unhealthy or the yield has decreased, the question arises: how to treat the currant from pests? And when is the best time to do it? You will find the answers in this article.
To have a good harvest, you need to know how to treat currants from pests
Currant diseases and their treatment
To choose the right drug and treatment methods, you first need to accurately diagnose. That is, to identify which pest hit the currant. Consider the types of uninvited guests and the means of dealing with them:
- If the leaves were brown and deformed last summer, and in the spring some buds look too swollen (prematurely), then the bush is affected by a bud mite. Diseased branches must be cut and burned. And when brushes appear on the bush, you need to treat it with colloidal sulfur (75 g per bucket of water).
- The twisted upper leaves of the currant indicate the defeat of aphids. It can be found by looking under the leaves. It can be destroyed with a solution of anabazine sulfate with the addition of laundry soap (for better adhesion of the drug to the leaves). But it is more effective to fight aphids in early spring, in the stage of hibernating eggs. The bushes are sprayed with nitrafen (3% solution).
- Gall midge causes wrinkling and curling of young leaves. Affected branches are cut and destroyed. In autumn, the bushes are treated with a mixture of 30 g of karbofos and 20 g of chlorophos, diluted in a bucket of water.
- The caterpillars of the currant goblet live inside the shoots and eat their core, which leads to the death of the branches. Their presence can be recognized by the unexpected wilting of a seemingly healthy green shoot. This usually happens in the spring. The affected shoot must be cut off to a living place and burned. Treat the bush with a solution of dry mustard, infusion of celandine, tansy or tomato shoots.
This is not the whole list of pests that infect currants. If you find any suspicious change on the leaves, fruits or shoots, you need to consult with an experienced gardener and take measures to protect the plant as soon as possible.
How to process currants in the fall?
Considering what pests had to be dealt with during the summer, it is possible to do preventive treatment of the bushes in the fall. This will reduce the risk of relapse next spring.
In black currant, the leaves must be torn off and burned after harvest. This will prevent the development of pest colonies on them, and also save the plant’s strength for a successful wintering. Red currant leaves are not cut off.
The leaves should fall off on their own, after which they are also destroyed.
After the autumn pruning of the bushes, they are fed with mineral and organic fertilizers. Also, for the prevention of diseases, currants are treated with Bordeaux liquid, karbofos or other complex preparations. The dosage should be in accordance with the instructions.
Knowing how to process currants and how to do it correctly, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of its disease and increase the yield.