How to stew apples in a slow cooker, in a pan and in the oven

How to stew apples in a slow cooker, in a pan and in the oven

It often happens that unsuccessful apples cannot be eaten raw, or a person, for some reason, cannot eat fruit without heat treatment. In this case, you can recall a lot of great apple-based recipes, but the simplest of them is the stewing option. With the help of such processing, even the toughest and most juicy apples can turn into a delicate and healthy puree or become a preparation for a more refined dish.

How to stew apples: general rules

Regardless of how the process takes place, it is important to consider the following:

  • the peel and seed pods should be removed in the process of preparing the fruit for cooking, except when stewed apples will be wiped through a colander for further preparation of marmalade, marshmallow or marshmallow. In this case, the presence of skins and seeds will increase the saturation of the mass with pectin;
  • juicy fruits can be cooked without adding water; for drier or wilted fruits, it is better to add a small amount of liquid to the container;
  • sour apple varieties are quenched faster and turn into a loose mass, sweet ones better retain their shape;
  • it is advisable to add sugar at the end of cooking, the same applies to other flavors, with the exception of cinnamon in sticks and vanilla in pods;
  • it is necessary to mix the mass carefully, carefully making sure that the apples do not burn to the bottom of the container.
How to stew apples: variations on an eternal theme

If you plan to cook gravy, marshmallow, marshmallow, mousse and other dishes from stewed apples, where a puree-like state of fruit is needed, it is better to use sour and juicy varieties. If stewed apples need to be served as a main course, it is better to choose less boiled sweet fruits and treat them as carefully as possible.

How to stew apples in a pan?

When using a frying pan, stewpan, or saucepan for cooking fruit, you need to take care of its non-stick coating and a thick bottom. A good option would be to add a small amount of good butter to the fruit mass: this will make it easier to stir the dish and give it a peculiar taste. Stew apples under a lid, providing a minimum steam output, over low heat.

How to stew apples in a slow cooker?

This cooking method is most convenient for the cook due to the absence of the need for stirring, maintaining the temperature regime and the convenience of heat treatment in general.

All additives are placed in a container along with prepared apples.

In this case, the program is selected either specialized or designed for stewing vegetables.

Considering the question of how to stew apples in the oven, we notice the similarity of this option with cooking in a slow cooker. The main difference is the more pronounced taste of the baked product and the ability to add other products to the apples at any time, for example, sprinkle them with crushed nuts or candied fruits, sugar, add the necessary spices.

See also: how to freeze grapes for the winter

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