How to stay strong and resilient on a vegan diet

Many assume that vegan dieters are not able to supply the body with enough quality protein and iron. Fortunately, this myth was dispelled many years ago. We propose to consider in more detail how to take the maximum from veganism and not leave the body without important minerals and vitamins. If you’ve ever been on a carb-free, protein-free, or fat-free diet, you probably know that it doesn’t do any good in the long run. Lack of energy, moodiness, poor digestion and even various diseases occur when the body does not get everything it needs. Do not neglect the listed components of the diet! If you need a low-carb diet for glycemic control or diabetes, you still need healthy carbs: a variety of vegetables, seeds and nuts, beans, non-starchy vegetables, and leafy greens. If your diet calls for a fat-restricted diet, include some healthy fats like nuts, seeds, avocados, and coconuts. In case you’re worried about overdosing on protein on this diet… there’s no reason to be. It is almost impossible to consume excess protein on a whole, plant-based diet. Eat a balanced, predominantly whole food diet to maintain an energetic and healthy life. Refined foods, of course, saturate with less energy, and we are talking not only about chips and cakes. Yes, there are examples of healthy processed foods, such as almond milk, hummus, but refined sugars, granola, emulsifiers, and so on should be avoided. Try to opt for a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts with your snack. Veganism should not be viewed as a diet. Eating only plant-based foods will help your body serve you longer, reducing your risk of illness. There is no need to go hungry. If you feel a physical (not emotional or stress-induced) desire to eat between meals, have a snack of 3-4 dates, or almonds, apple and orange. Increasing endurance and energy is impossible without the presence of nutritious foods in the diet. They include beans, seeds, leafy greens, broccoli, superfoods like chia and spirulina. Pay special attention to foods high in iron: hemp seeds, cocoa, beans again, greens. Healthy fats should come from olives, nuts, seeds, avocados, and other plant sources of fat. And, of course, do not forget about the complex carbohydrates that we get from root vegetables, berries, apples, bananas, nuts, seeds and legumes. Proper nutrition is 80% of maintaining health, we have no right to ignore physical activity and its positive effect. Move as often and as much as possible during the day, and make time for a full workout several times a week. Whether it’s yoga or intense strength training, each of them will make a positive contribution to your health. Remember that a strict plant-based diet is not universal restrictions and asceticism. Nature has endowed man with an infinite number of natural sources of beauty, health and strength, which we cannot but eat.

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