How to replace soy sauce at home in a recipe

How to replace soy sauce at home in a recipe

Soy sauce has firmly entered our life with the advent of rolls and sushi in Russia. But over time, it began to be used as a dressing and for other dishes. Its exotic taste makes you take a fresh look at the usual delicacies. But what if he was not at hand at the right time? How to replace soy sauce in a recipe?

Find out how to replace soy sauce and you will discover a new taste for familiar dishes.

How to make soy sauce instead of purchased one

Buying soy sauce is not a problem. On the shelves of the supermarket, you will definitely find the coveted bottle. But the trouble is: it contains a lot of harmful substances. For example, monosodium glutamate. And many people don’t like the specific taste of this product. What is the substitute for soy sauce in this case? Make your own. To do this, take:

  • soybeans – 120 g;
  • wheat flour – 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • butter – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable broth (preferably mushrooms) – 50 ml;
  • salt (preferably sea salt).

Mash the boiled soybeans. Add all other components to it. Then simmer the mixture over the fire until it starts to boil.

Allow the product to cool. It can be served not only with Japanese dishes, but also with meat, fish, or added to a vegetable stew.

How to replace soy sauce at home?

There are other ways to recreate the taste of an exotic product. A 100% analogy will not work, but oriental notes will be felt very distinctly.

How to replace soy sauce in a marinade? Components familiar to us. For example:

  • mayonnaise “Provence” – 50 g;
  • water – 50 g;
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp;
  • ground red and black pepper to taste.

Stir the mixture until smooth. This dressing goes well with kebabs.

Vinegar with other products can also act as an analogue of an oriental dressing. How to replace soy sauce with balsamic vinegar? To do this, mix it with unrefined olive oil and add mustard powder to the solution.

And for salads, there is another dressing option:

  • vegetable oil;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • garlic;
  • spice.

Bring the oil to a boil and pour finely chopped garlic into it. Wait until it changes color and turn off the heat. Add spices and apple cider vinegar to this mixture. The sauce should cool down, only then you can season salads with it.

Or you can mix mayonnaise and adjika in equal proportions, dilute them with concentrated mushroom broth. Such a delicacy will make any hot dish much tastier.

Instead of a sauce, you can use an olive marinade to which onion rings are added. This type of dressing is served with stews or kebabs.

There are many ways to replace soy sauce. Experiment and the dishes will sparkle with new colors.

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