How to replace parchment paper for baking
When baking something on a baking sheet in the oven, housewives usually use special baking paper. But what if it ended at the most inopportune moment? How to replace baking paper?
There is always something at home to replace baking paper
How to replace parchment paper when baking?
The purpose of the baking paper is to prevent the product from sticking to the baking sheet, to prevent it from burning. It also protects against burning in case of filling (juice) leaking. Based on this, you can find a replacement for baking paper from what is at hand.
How to replace parchment paper when baking:
drawing tracing paper, smeared on both sides with vegetable oil;
plain office paper (clean), also oiled;
food parchment (thick paper used for baking bags in supermarkets).
If none of the above turned out to be at home, grease the baking sheet generously with butter or cooking oil and sprinkle with semolina or breadcrumbs. This will help prevent scorching and the baked goods will be easy to remove from the mold.
An excellent substitute for baking paper is a special silicone mat. It is convenient to roll and shape dough on it, as well as bake. It does not melt at high temperatures and does not react with food, therefore it is completely safe. In addition, such a rug serves for a very long time, so you do not need to constantly remember whether there is still paper for baking or is already out. There are convenient silicone molds for baking bread, muffins and pies.
Can I replace baking paper with foil?
If there is food foil for baking at home, it can also be used instead of paper, but with some nuances:
if baking dough products, grease the foil with oil. No need for baking vegetables, fish, meat;
so that the dough does not stick to the foil, place it with the matte side on a baking sheet, and with the shiny side on top.
It should also be remembered that the dull side can oxidize due to contact with the product and change its taste.
Foil can not only be laid on a sheet on a baking sheet, like paper. You can make any arbitrary shape out of it, for example, for a cake. The sides will prevent the leaked juice from getting on the baking sheet and burning. To create molds, you need to take two or even three layers of foil, then it will fold easily and will not tear. To prevent the top of the cake from becoming too tough, you can cover it with a sheet of foil and remove the sheet 10 minutes before cooking, so that the top is slightly browned.
Knowing how to replace baking paper, you will not find yourself in a hopeless situation if it suddenly runs out, and baking will always be successful.
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