How to remove the inscription “Page 1” in Excel

Excel is a universal program and contains hundreds of various functions that make it easier to work with a document, speed up information processing, and even work on the design of a data page. True, due to the abundance of various functions, many users are faced with the problem of orienting in a document, and sometimes different situations can simply lead to a stupor. This material will analyze the situation when, when opening a document, several pages are visible at once or the background entry “Page 1” interferes.

What are the features of the format of a particular document?

Before you deal with the problem, you should carefully study it. It’s no secret that files with the Excel extension can be saved in a variety of formats. For example, the standard is “Regular Format”, which offers a complete table with information and the ability to freely edit it.

Next comes “Page Layout”, this is exactly the format that will be discussed. It is often saved by the user who has edited the content and adjusted the appearance of the table for later printing. In principle, there is nothing to worry about, because such a saving format is the result of an attempt to customize the document as necessary for visual perception.

There is also a “Page mode”, which is intended solely for studying information in the form of “target” fullness. That is, in this mode, unnecessary details and empty cells disappear in the table, only the area that is completely filled remains.

How to remove the inscription Page 1 in Excel
The inscription “Page 1” in Excel

All these modes are created exclusively for the user who wants to control everything and fully use the available functionality. If you often have to work with tables, then at least each of these formats will be actively used not only for a careful study of all the information, but also for preparing tables for subsequent printing.

The first way to change the document format

Now let’s look at the first way to change the document format, which is as simple and straightforward as possible. It will allow you to change the table format in a matter of seconds so as not to be distracted by other actions and immediately start working with data. To do this, you will need to do the following:

  1. Launch Excel and open a file that has an unusual table format.
  2. After opening the document, pay attention to the lower right part of the panel, where the readable font size control is usually located. Now, in addition to the zoom change function itself, there are three more icons: table, page, and universal markup.
  3. If you encounter a file format that has multiple pages or a “Page 1” background entry, then the “Page Layout” format is activated and is represented as the second icon from the left.
  4. Left-click on the first “Regular Format” icon, and you will see that the appearance of the table has changed.
  5. You can edit the available information or completely change the table.
How to remove the inscription Page 1 in Excel
Visual application of the first method

In this way, you can quickly change the format of the document and get the look that most users are used to. This is the simplest and fastest way that has become available in new versions of Excel.

The second way to change the document format

Now consider the second way to change the format of the document, which will allow you to get the desired kind of data for later use or editing. You will need to do the following:

  1. Launch the Excel program.
  2. Open a document with the wrong format.
  3. Go to the top function bar.
  4. Select the View tab.
  5. It is necessary to select the format of the document.

This method takes a little more time, but is universal and effective, after all, regardless of the version of the program, you can navigate to it and activate the desired document format.

How to remove the inscription Page 1 in Excel
Visual application of the second method


We recommend using any of the available methods, as each of them is effective and affordable. Thanks to these actions, you can quickly change the document format for further use of information. Use hints and improve your skill as an advanced Excel user.

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