How to remove seborrheic crusts on a baby’s head? Video
Often, young parents start to panic at the sight of yellowish oily crusts on the head of their baby. There is nothing to worry about, this is seborrheic dermatitis in a newborn, or milk crusts that need to be cleaned off.
How to remove seborrheic crusts on a baby’s head?
Seborrheic dermatitis is a yellowish, scaly, scaly skin rash that forms on the baby’s head. It is mainly formed during the first 3 months of life.
Parents should not be alarmed about this, this is a completely normal phenomenon, absolutely safe for the child’s life.
Basically, such crusts by the first year of life go away on their own, but sometimes they are found in three-year-old babies. Many young parents are concerned about the aesthetic side of the issue, especially when the child does not have thick hair. In this case, the scab is clearly visible.
In most cases, shampooing with sensitive baby skin is sufficient.
If shampoo does not work, the best medicine for removing unsightly crusts is olive (peach, almond) oil. To remove the scab, moisten a cotton swab in oil and dab the crusts on the head with it.
It should not be forgotten that the baby’s skin is very delicate, so in no case should you rub it, trying to remove the crusts.
The oil should be left on the baby’s hair for 10-15 minutes and then gently combed with a soft newborn comb. At the end of the procedure, rinse the head with baby shampoo.
If after the first procedure the formations have not disappeared, it should be repeated until the dermatitis disappears completely. The oil application time can be increased. For a more effective effect, it is recommended to tie the baby’s head with a soft towel and put on a thin cap.
When washing the head, be sure to thoroughly rinse the child’s head from the oil, otherwise it can clog the pores and only worsen the condition.
Prevention and prevention of crusts
Doctors have no consensus about the occurrence of crusts. We can definitely say that this is not bad hygiene, not a bacterial infection and not an allergy.
To prevent their occurrence, the expectant mother should not take antibiotics, especially in late pregnancy. The thing is that such drugs destroy not only harmful bacteria, but also useful ones that stop the growth of yeast fungi. And in newborns, fungi most often affect the scalp, hence seborrheic dermatitis occurs.
Another reason is the increased activity of the sebaceous glands of the newborn.
To avoid such activity, you should introduce proper nutrition to the baby or, in the case of breastfeeding, to the mother.
It is also worth reviewing baby cosmetics. The wrong shampoo, foam or soap is often the cause of dermatitis.