How to remove bad odor from plastic containers

Food grade plastic containers are very convenient for storing food and ready meals. But the trouble is, sometimes, after emptying the container from products with an intense smell, this smell simply eats in. What to do in a situation when there is not enough detergent?

Lemon. Wipe the sides of the bowl with a slice of lemon. Or when washing, add lemon juice to the water.

Baking soda. Add a little water to the baking soda to make a gruel. Apply the gruel to the sides of the container and leave it on for a few hours. Then wash the detergent container.

Coffee. Beans or ground coffee picks up foreign odors very well. Just leave the coffee in the container overnight and then just wash it.


Vinegar. In a liter of warm water, pour a quarter cup of table vinegar and a couple of drops of dish detergent. Fill a container with this solution and leave for a while after washing.

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