How to remove a touch from clothes

How to remove a touch from clothes

Barcode corrector is an indispensable tool when you need to correct something in the text. It allows you to do this neatly, eliminating the need to rewrite the document. How to remove a stroke from clothes if you accidentally get dirty with it? After all, such stains are difficult to remove. You will learn about this from our article.

How to get a stroke out of clothes?

How to get a stroke: ways to remove a stain

Correctors are of several types. Depending on the base, emulsion, alcohol, water and solvent-based strokes are distinguished, as well as a corrector tape.

  • The line from the water corrector is the easiest to remove. The place of contamination must be soaped and washed. Then wash the whole thing.
  • If the correction tape is stuck to the fabric, then it should be moistened with soapy water. After a while, it will simply move away from the fabric by itself.
  • Together with correctors, special fluids are sold that dissolve them. First you need to remove the stroke (which is possible) with any blunt object. After that, moisten a cloth with solvent and wipe the place of contamination.
  • The alcohol streak must be removed with any alcohol-containing liquid. Moisten a cotton pad with, for example, vodka and wipe the stain. Repeat the processing procedure after 10 minutes, and then wash the item.
  • Alcohol is also used to remove stains from emulsion correctors. Ammonium helps well here. The substance must be mixed with an equal volume of water and the contamination should be moistened with this solution. After 15 minutes, rinse the treated area under running water. Then the whole thing must be washed.

The most difficult to remove is the stain from the corrector-solvent. A solvent is also used to remove this type of contamination, but the difficulty is that not all fabrics can withstand the aggressive effects of products from this category.

Before using the substance, it is necessary to test in a closed area of ​​clothing. If the fabric remains in its original state – it has not changed color, the fibers have not dissolved, then processing can be carried out.

  1. Wet a cotton pad with the chosen solvent. You can use nail polish remover. She is almost always at hand. The stain should be well moistened and left for 20 minutes. During this time, the stroke will dissolve, and it can be removed without any problems.
  2. Moisten a new disc and re-process to remove any residue.
  3. Then wash the item in the washing machine at the permitted setting.

If a delicate fabric, for example, silk or velvet, was stained with a stroke, then the thing will have to be dry-cleaned. If you remove a stroke yourself, you can completely ruin it.

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