How to recognize a narcissist and what effect it causes in their environment
People with this disorder tend to have a very distorted image of themselves with reality

If there are people who have low self-esteem, there are others who have ‘too high’ egos. And although everyone should be able to love themselves, be happy with how they are and feel comfortable with their body, as they say, ‘everything in excess is bad’, and this case was not going to be the exception.
We are talking about narcissistic disorder, a personality disorder that supposes that people who suffer from it are not capable of seeing faults in themselves, or taking responsibility for themselves when things do not go well. «They tend to be very competitive people and they tend to exalt and exaggerate your own qualities, this being the image of themselves that they project onto others, “explains psychologist Sara Prieto, from Centro TAP, who adds that this attitude of superiority over others is not a simulation, but rather that narcissists” truly believe in themselves in the way in which they are shown to the environment.
That a person has that bulky vision of himself ends up interfering in his social relationships. «At the social level they are usually not very collaborative and individualistic», Explains the psychologist. In addition, he points out that on many occasions for these people it is no longer important to be faithful to the truth, manipulating and exalting their capacities. If this disorder borders on the extreme, the people who suffer from it come to have problems in their lives and in the lives of the people around them. Even so, many may have some narcissistic personality traits but they keep functionality, so it does not interfere in their lives and is therefore not considered a narcissistic personality disorder, “says the professional.
How to recognize a narcissistic person
People who suffer from this type of disorder (more common in adults, men and people with low self-esteem) have peculiar characteristics that can help us to recognize them:
– They have one very high vision of themselves, considering himself above the others.
– They have a low capacity for introspection and valuing their emotional world.
– Have lack of empathy and they stay focused on themselves.
– They have a communication style in which the understanding or agreement with the interlocutor does not exist.
– In their relationship with others they tend to control and manipulate the other in order to achieve your goals.
– A frequent attitude is that of establish unequal relationships in which they are positioned above the other in order to show their superiority.
Work and affective narcissism
Two of the areas in which a narcissistic person can find more problems with the environment are work and affective. In the foreground, Sara Prieto comments that “the person with a narcissistic disorder may have Difficulty obeying the guidelines or directions of their superiors and inappropriate behavior towards them and their peers ”. In addition, he explains that these people can be irritable if they interpret that they are not being valued as they should in their company, demanding in many cases a different treatment from their colleagues.
In affective relationships it is also complex to relate to a person with a narcissistic disorder. «In your family, social or partner relationships, you will tend to prioritize your needs above those of the rest. This attitude of little flexibility regarding the needs or opinions of others, the intolerance of criticism and the superiority with which they are seen, can be a source of many conflicts with difficult solutions ”, concludes the professional.