Before buying a product, many of us scrutinize the label. Someone is only interested in the shelf life and production date, while someone carefully studies the composition and tries to classify the additives that are part of almost any product. One of the mysterious markings is the letter E with different numbers. What can this information tell?
The letter “E” in the product stands for “Europe”. That is, the product is subject to the European Food Additive Labeling System. But the numbers after it can indicate which criterion of the product has been improved – color, smell, taste, storage.
Classification of E-additives
Additive E 1 .. are dyes, color enhancers. The numbers after 1 represent shades and colors.
Additive E 2 .. is a preservative that prolongs the shelf life of the product. They also prevent mold and mildew growth. Formaldehyde E-240 is also a preservative.
Supplement E 3 .. is an antioxidant that also keeps foods longer.
Additive E 4 .. is a stabilizer that preserves the structure of the product. Gelatin and starch are also stabilizers.
Additive E 5 .. are emulsifiers that give the product an attractive appearance.
Additive E 6 .. – flavor and odor enhancers.
It is a mistake to think that all E supplements are necessarily harmful and hazardous to health. All natural spices, vegetables, herbs and herbs are also marked in this system, so if you faint when you see E 160 on the package, then know that it is just paprika.
Scientists have proven that food additives E are not harmful by themselves, but when they enter our body, they can interact with other substances and be dangerous. Alas, there are very few truly pure products in stores.
Here are the most dangerous E supplements that …
… provoke malignant tumors: E103, E105, E121, E123, E130, E152, E330, E447
… cause an allergic reaction: E230, E231, E239, E311, E313
… have a detrimental effect on the liver and kidneys: E171, E173, E330, E22
… cause gastrointestinal disorders: E221, E226, E338, E341, E462, E66
What to do?
Study the label carefully, a huge amount of E should alert you.
Do not buy products that are too bright and beautiful.
Pay attention to shelf life – too long probably contain a lot of preservatives.
The more natural the product and the less raw materials used for its preparation, the better. That is, oatmeal for breakfast is better than multigrain pressed sweet snacks.
Do not buy fat-free, sugar-free, lightweight – such a structure and composition will not be kept on natural products, but on harmful additives.
We should be especially careful with the products we buy for our children. If there is no way to buy a proven one or make it yourself, do not choose bright desserts, especially jelly candies, chewing ones, with bright sweet-sour tastes. Do not allow children to eat chips, gum, colorful candies, or sugary soda. Unfortunately, even such a healthy snack as dried fruits or candied fruits can also be full of harmful additives. Do not look towards glossy, flat products, prefer moderately colored and preferably local.