It is quite possible to reduce the centimeters on your waist without dieting and exercise. With the help of water called “sassi”. This water is made at home and preparation does not take too much time and effort.
The recipe for this water was developed by nutritionist Cynthia Sass, who, like many women, is tired of restrictions, diets and constant struggle with excess weight. Ingredients. which are part of the drink, help get rid of toxins and excess gas formation.
How to make sassi water
Sassi water is made from four available ingredients:
- ginger root,
- cucumber or celery,
- 10 peppermint leaves
- lemon.
Grate the ginger on a fine grater, mix a teaspoon of mashed potatoes with small cucumber slices, pour mint leaves, squeeze out half a lemon and fill all with 2 liters of clean water. Let the water sit overnight.
How to drink sassi water properly
Drink sassi water within a week, drinking 2 liters daily. You need to divide these two liters into 10-12 receptions. Prepare new sassi water every night and let it sit until morning.
You should not drink sassi water if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, or an ulcer. When consuming sassi, it is better to exclude fatty and spicy foods, as well as alcohol. All this will further irritate the stomach.
With the correct use of sassi water, the body will get rid of toxins and extra centimeters at the waist and abdomen. For a week of using the sassi, you can lose from 2 to 6 kilograms.
It is ideal to combine the intake of such water with physical education and abdominal exercises.