How to properly remove seeds from chili peppers

The hottest thing in chili peppers is its seeds, so you need to peel it properly to reduce the severity of the dish.

Firstly, it is advisable to peel the pepper with gloves so as not to burn the skin of the hands and the pepper juice does not get into the micro-wounds.

Next, wash the peppers well and place them on a clean surface. With the fingers of one hand, grasp the stem, with the other hand, carefully cut the chili along with a small sharp knife.

With the blade of a knife, remove both the bones and the partitions inside the pepper.


Cut the chili into the desired pieces and send to a separate bowl. Take off your gloves and thoroughly wash your chopping board and knife, then your hands. Try not to touch the eyes and mucous membranes with your hands for several hours.

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