How to properly peel shrimp

Shrimp is a valuable source of protein and polysaturated fatty acids. Ignoring them is wrong, and if you like seafood – eat shrimp more often. Use these tips to help you clean them up.

You can peel the shrimp yourself either with your hands or with kitchen scissors.


First, remove the head and legs from the shrimp – both are separated quite easily.


Now you should remove the shell – starting from the head, slide your fingers along the body of the shrimp, separating the plates in turn. Remove the shell carefully without damaging the meat.

The tail can be left for decoration or removed – it tastes.

Kitchen scissors

Remove the head and separate the legs in a bundle at a time. Remove the shell – to do this, carefully make an incision in the middle of the shell from the side of the head with scissors and move to the opposite end. The tail can be removed immediately, or you can leave it.

Make a half-centimeter cut in the back of the shrimp meat. Under it will be the stomach and intestines of the shrimp – a black strip. It should be removed by picking it up with the tip of a knife and pulling gently with your fingers so as not to tear and then do not reach in pieces.

Additionally, you should check if there is another such intestinal vein on the side of the abdomen, and remove, if any.

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