How to overcome fear and self-doubt: tips, video

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! How to overcome fear and self-doubt? Hope this article and video will definitely help you.

Fear can be called the most powerful and ancient deity of the human mind. It is the instinct of self-preservation, which generates fear, that became the basis of all religious beliefs.

Primitive people revered nature and feared it. They were defenseless against weather disasters, wild animals and deadly ailments. At the dawn of civilization, people lived in obscurity, could not explain what surrounds them, from a scientific point of view.

The darkness of illiteracy breeds fear. Modern man has almost severed his connection with nature, but primitive instincts are still dormant in him.

How to deal with fear

Fear is the very formidable god, belief in which is stronger than any other belief. A person worships him subconsciously, against his own will. Primitive religion is based on an unshakable belief that something terrible is about to happen, and that a favorable result is impossible.

On the one hand, fear is a very unpleasant and harmful phenomenon, but on the other hand, a person needs it to help him survive. This is a natural mechanism of the psyche that warns of danger. Fear itself becomes dangerous when it degenerates into obsessive states that inhibit a person’s personal development.

The paradox is that the question itself is “how to deal with fear?” fundamentally wrong. It is completely pointless to fight with him, because he looks like a dragon from a fairy tale. One head is chopped off, and two grow in its place.

How to overcome fear and self-doubt: tips, video

The deity of fear is an integral part of human nature and cannot be driven away or destroyed. The secret to overcoming fear is to use it correctly.

Fighting openly with fear is the wrong tactic. You need to learn to manage it, tame it like a tiger. First, you need to admit to yourself that you are afraid. This does not mean recognizing yourself as a failure and a coward.

This is a normal sense of one’s own nature. Thank your subconscious mind for such helpful signals. After all, they can indicate a serious danger.

After successfully accepting your nature, you can proceed to the next steps.

Step 1

Look at the object of your fear from the outside. What exactly scares you, and how much damage can it cause? What makes you anxious – a real threat or an obsession? Perhaps there is no danger, but you just screwed yourself up.

An example is with spiders. Let’s say a person is afraid of spiders, and he shivers at the mere mention of them. But can harmless house spiders do any harm? Another thing is the large and furry representatives of this species, which may turn out to be poisonous.

Step 2

Analyze all the possible consequences of the event that scares you so much. Imagine the worst case scenario. If you, for example, go to your boss “on the rug,” then the worst outcome of your conversation is dismissal.

Of course, this is an unpleasant fact, but think how important this work is for you. Perhaps this turn of events will give a chance to find a new and much better one? Perhaps fate itself pushes you to change your life, but you, shackled by fear, desperately hold on to the old.

Step 3

Look fear in the eye. Running and hiding is not an option. It is easiest to avoid situations that cause unpleasant sensations, but this behavior will only make the problem worse. We must face the object of our phobias as often as possible. After a while, you will notice that what caused you panic became familiar and normal.

Step 4

Do not hesitate, but act. Fearless people don’t exist. Brave men undertake something, despite the fear, while the rest give up. Tell yourself – “Yes, I’m afraid. But I’ll do it anyway. ” Fearless commanders are just literary hyperbole, in fact, these people just had good control over themselves.

How to overcome fear and self-doubt: tips, video

Step 5

Choose a red herring. Learn to switch to other thoughts when you are overwhelmed by a panic attack. It is best to remember a funny story, anecdote. Stop convincing yourself that you won’t succeed!

Try to think only about the positive result or not think about it at all. Find the motivation to suppress your fear. Why is it worth working on yourself? Career growth, financial well-being, happiness of relatives – aren’t they great reasons to tame the insidious beast in yourself?

Step 6

Forget what people are saying. Whatever you do, there will always be those who want to laugh at you, look for flaws in you. Do your job as best you can, without worrying about the opinions of others.

Often the basis of our inaction is the fear of being judged or ridiculed. But it is impossible to please everyone. Know that you will always have ill-wishers and envious people, but there will also be people who will appreciate and support you.

Make an alliance with your fear. Make friends with him. Do not suppress panic states with alcohol, psychotropic or narcotic drugs. All they can do is drive phobias even deeper into the subconscious.

Strong sedatives give only a short-term false result. They cannot cure a phobia. To cope with this problem can only be done by willpower.

Don’t be afraid to share your concerns with loved ones. As a last resort, you can share the problem with the diary. Write down all negative emotions on paper, and then tear or set it on fire. You will feel how your consciousness is cleared of pain and heaviness.

Don’t feed phobias with self-hypnosis of your own failures. It doesn’t matter what kind of situation causes fear in a person. Its nature is always the same. Someone is afraid to jump with a parachute, and someone is afraid to confess his love to a girl.

More information: How to conquer fear and self-doubt in this video ↓

Do not try to do something better than everyone else, do it your own way, but do not stay idle! Courage and courage must be trained as well as accurate archery. You will have to fail many times, but over time, the result will pay off. Channel your emotions in the right direction, and then fear will become your friend.

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