How to make waist tight: what to do and what NOT to do

Holders narrow waist have always been considered as an example of femininity and beauty. Previously, women were saved by a narrow corsets and dresses, but now fashion is not always possible to hide figure flaws. How to make the waist narrow, is it always possible to achieve and that it is not recommended to do to create it?

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How to make a narrow waist?

As you know, to lose weight locally is impossible, therefore, to create a narrow waist you need to follow the General rules for getting rid of excess weight. To do this:

  1. To follow the diet. The best way is to count calories. Helpful information on how and why to do this read in the next section. Another way is a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Read more about proper nutrition.
  2. To do cardio workouts. It would not have questioned the effectiveness of cardio workouts, but they will help you to get rid of excess fat. Most importantly, know when to stop. Cardio sessions should be 3-4 times a week, no more than 40-60 minutes.

How quickly you will achieve a narrow waist, depending on your figure type. Someone first lose weight legs, someone’s stomach and someone loses weight very evenly. Affect it does not, it’s inherent in us genetically. Read more about it below.

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What to do?

Suddenly one day became insanely popular to the bends with dumbbells, lateral, twisting and hula-Hoop filled with sand. And all this supposedly will help to make the waist narrow. Not true! These exercises strengthen and pumped obliques, but do not remove the fat over them. In the end, your waistline only increases in size due to the oblique abdominal muscles that are toned because of the load.

Those who say that the decreased waist tilts, hula-hoops and side-curls, most likely, has always had a pronounced waist from nature. And with the help of physical activity they get rid of excess weight and returned to its former condition. For this fairly General weight loss (as stated above), no additional load on the lateral muscles are not needed. But for those who have a waist no, these exercises only to increase it.

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What is important to know?

Each of us has a different body structure. It is laid at the genetic level. And Yes, there are times when the waist does not make narrow, if you try real hard. You will lose weight all over the body, disappear the sides and even has a six-pack abs, but a pronounced waist will not. There’s nothing you can do but to start to love my lean and toned body the way it is.

What type of figure chances to have a narrow waist:

  • “Hourglass”. If you are a happy owner of this type of figure, then you can say you are lucky. Without Herculean efforts, you will have a narrow waist.
  • “Pear”. You suffer from hips and large buttocks? Do not be upset. But your waist and flatter stomach can only envy.

What type of figure the chance of having a narrow waist is noticeably below:

  • “The Apple”. The upper part of the body is your problem area. But even getting rid of belly fat, not the fact that you will be satisfied with your waist.
  • “Inverted triangle”. This owner of broad shoulders and strong upper body. However, the slender legs and buttocks fully compensate you, the lack of pronounced waist.

What type of figure very few chances to have a narrow waist:

  • Rectangle. You have the figure, when the shoulders, waist and buttocks are about on the same line? Congratulations, your body is most responsive to the sport and almost indifferent to the fat storage in problem areas. True, the narrow waist in this case will not be.

If you have a pronounced waist from nature, it will appear immediately after weight loss from diet and cardio exercise. It does not have to do the tilt and twist the Hoop until you’re blue. But if the waist is not (well we are all different genetically, nothing can be done), it is not to make additional devices. It is likely only to increase your sides in width.

Enjoy a cardio-load, follow the diet, forget about the side muscle and love my body, how it gave you the nature. Each type of shape has its advantages and features, don’t waste your energy on changing it. And any type of shape can be brought to perfection. And not always an indicator that perfection narrow waist.

How to reduce the waist and remove the sides: tips and exercises

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