How to make croquettes at home

Croquettes — chopped patties prepared from meat, fish, or vegetables, then rolled in breadcrumbs and fried. The name of the dish comes from the French word “Croque,” which means “to bite” or “crunch.” The croquettes are round or oval form. Fry the croquettes in vegetable oil or deep fat. The size of the croquettes for 1-2 bites.

From what you cook croquettes

The croquettes are included in almost all cuisines around the world.

  • In Brazil, they are made from beef.
  • In Hungary, from potatoes, eggs, nutmeg, and butter.
  • In Spain, the croquettes are made with ham and served with a Bechamel sauce.
  • In Mexico, the stuffing is prepared with tuna and potatoes. In America, croquettes seafood.

Beef can be virtually any product you have at hand and from which it is convenient to form small balls: vegetables, fish, meat, ham, cheese, liver, fruit. The stuffing can be added to the walnuts, cabbage, and other foods’ smooth taste.

How to make croquettes at home

Breading of croquettes

In contrast to the other dishes, breadCroquettes is made in breadcrumbs and mashed potatoes, sometimes with cheese and herbs.

Fine cooking

For stuffing, take all the ingredients in finished form, as the croquettes are prepared quickly. Fish, seafood, or cheese can be eaten raw; they are guaranteed to be ready in minutes because of the high temperatures.

The croquettes should be put in hot oil not to be cracked and have not lost shape.

By the size of the croquettes should not differ from each other. Procurement of these cutlets can be stored in the freezer before cooking should be thawed at room temperature.

After frying, the croquettes are laid out on a paper towel to get rid of excess fat.

How to make croquettes at home

How to serve croquettes

The croquettes may be as an individual main dish and side dish. Vegetable cheese croquettes served with meat, fish, poultry. Vegetables and salads accompany meat croquettes Vice versa.

Croquettes of fish and seafood combined with vegetable salads, roasted vegetables, rice.

Appetizer croquettes served with sauce – classic Bechamel, sour cream, garlic, or cheese sauces.

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