Beware: 6 most dangerous diets

Many people still ignore advice on nutrition and resort to diets. Some of them pose a real threat to human health, directly rebuild the metabolism and impede weight loss. Which diets should you not try yourself?

Drinking diet

Diet with liquids detrimental effect on digestion. Within a week, you should eat only purees, juices, broths, and herbal teas in this diet. The human body is not adapted to receive ground food. Solid pieces and cellulose stimulate peristalsis, activates the production of enzymes, and chewing causes saliva and starts the digestive process. Deprived of this, the body quickly gets out of order.

Sweet diet

This diet is offered within 7 days to eat only sweet foods, including chocolate – 100 grams per day. A large amount of glucose enters the body, causes sharp fluctuations in blood sugar, causes headaches, heartburn, poor health, and disorder of digestion. Carbohydrates also result in a disorder of the hormonal system.

Beware: 6 most dangerous diets

Low-carb diet

All diets with restrictions on carbohydrates nutritionists are considered dangerous for health. A large amount of protein helps to lose weight but due to the lack of other elements of the body fails. Also, this diet is clearly not enough glucose, hence the low performance and braking reactions. In parallel, there is dehydration, which affects all organs of the human body.

Diet with Apple cider vinegar

On this diet, binding is taking Apple cider vinegar in the morning on an empty stomach. Supposedly it speeds up metabolism and helps burn body fat. Organic acids actually help digest food and contribute to weight loss. However, they must be ingested along with the food and break down in the stomach. Acidly irritates the gastric mucosa, intestine, resulting in chronic diseases of these organs on an empty stomach.

Beware: 6 most dangerous diets

Mono –

Mono-diet involves food one of the products within 7-10 days. For example, buckwheat, Apple, kefir diet. The sharp restriction of a balanced diet leads to an imbalance of the body. Besides, the same product, for example, citrus, can irritate the walls of the gastrointestinal tract’s internal organs, and buckwheat can lead to constipation. Nutritionists recommend arranging fasting monody 1-2 days. But long-term mono-diet is harmful to humans.

Diet pills

Despite an official ban, the black market and then there is the “magic” pill for weight loss. Most of them contain eggs of parasites that multiply in the human body and contribute to weight loss by eating nutrients. Other products contain laxatives or psychotropic elements that can cause irreparable harm to your body.

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