How to make a thick cream

How to make a thick cream

Each of the types of cream may include additional components, but the base does not change, as it contains the necessary thickeners.

How to thicken the cream: ingredients and techniques that affect consistency

Creams are conventionally classified according to the composition of the ingredients and the method of preparation:

  • oil;
  • custard;
  • proteinaceous;
  • creamy.

Sour cream and curd creams are popular in modern desserts.

In order not to wonder how to make a thick cream from liquid, you need to carefully follow the recipe technology

Eliminate annoying misunderstandings associated with cooking technology by remembering the following:

  • basic oil cream consists of sweet butter, condensed milk and powder. The quality depends on the intensity and duration of the whipping, as a result of which the fat molecules bind to the sugar and liquid. Sugar gives the cream stability, its excess makes the mass heavier. Sugar particles not bound by fat settle to the bottom – the cream begins to exfoliate;
  • custard prepared by boiling sugar-milk syrup with the addition of flour, starch. Beaten eggs are added to the hot mass. Observe the temperature regime of brewing – 92-95 ° С, the exact sequence of connecting the components. Custards are used for filling cakes, spreading cakes for cakes, they are not resistant for decoration;
  • protein raw and custard creams are obtained by whipping proteins until a sevenfold increase in volume and stability. In raw creams, sugar or powder is introduced (the second option is preferable), in custard – hot syrup. Be sure to chill the protein. The dishes must be dry and free from grease. Powder dissolves in proteins faster than sugar. Hot syrup and sugar are introduced gradually;
  • For butter, sour cream and curd cream milk fat should be at least 33%. Add sugar or syrup in moderation, beat on an ice cushion, gradually increasing the speed. Pre-beat the cottage cheese with a blender.

To make the cream work on the first try, pay attention to the quality of the products. Creams are prepared only from fresh eggs, sweet butter (82,5%) and high quality cream, sour cream or cottage cheese

How to make a liquid cream thicker – some ways to eliminate defects

If you still made a mistake, then there are some ways to fix the situation:

  • slightly melt the butter cream, add butter and whisk again;
  • To thicken the custard, add the butter to the chilled mixture and whisk. The cream can be corrected by adding very thick milk syrup;
  • use gelatin solution to thicken protein creams;
  • creamy, sour cream, curd cream can be corrected with stabilizers, which are purchased in specialized stores.

Try to stick to the correct technology initially. In the confectionery business, details are important.

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