The main advantage of the keto diet is the preservation of muscle mass and the rapid loss of body fat. How to apply the keto diet and, most importantly, what to eat to lose weight?
The ketogenic diet is a low-carb diet and is gaining popularity today. The diet can be long-term as it is considered part of a healthy diet. This diet, which is so popular among celebrities, is also used to treat children with epilepsy.
The ketogenic diet is based on a high intake of fat, moderate intake of protein, and a minimum of carbohydrates. Thus, the body, due to a lack of carbohydrates, begins to receive energy from fats, producing ketone bodies.
The production of ketone bodies is called ketosis, in which the body breaks down stored fats and unimpeded with fat deposits on the body, while maintaining muscle mass.
Fat on a ketogenic diet should make up 75 percent of the total diet. Preference should be given to healthy vegetable oils, nuts, fatty fish, cheeses and dairy products.
Proteins make up 20 percent of the diet – meat, eggs, mushrooms. Moreover, all products should be consumed in their pure form, and not, for example, sausages, which also contain unwanted sugar.
It is important to consume enough fiber to boost metabolism – these are green vegetables, leaves and tomatoes.
The remaining 5 percent of the diet is carbohydrates, which are necessarily healthy and not heavy. These are berries and fruits that are low in sugar. It is recommended to give up sugar altogether, as well as from alcohol and sugary carbonated drinks.
The calorie content of the diet should remain the same – increasing calories will not give the desired weight loss results.
Important: in case of any metabolic and digestive problems, you should consult your doctor before switching to a keto diet.