Very often dieters are wondering about the local weight loss or getting rid of excess weight in a specific part of the body. For example, “How to lose weight just in your stomach?” or “exactly How to reduce thighs“. Or a burning question: “is it Possible to lose weight, but the breast is not reduced?“. Today we will answer all popular questions about weight loss locally in the area of individual problem areas.
The basic rules of a local slimming
But before turning to specific recommendations, we note three main axioms of the local diet:
1. You will lose weight evenly from all over the body
Let’s say you get on a diet and started to exercise. Be ready, to lose weight will not only, for example, “hated” the stomach or “creepy” hips, but also arms, chest, buttocks. To influence this process almost impossible. Do not trust diets who promise you to get exactly the stomach or thighs. This will not happen! The fat will leave evenly from the entire body, the overall body proportions, you would hardly change.
2. The main problem area out in the last turn
Most often in girls there is one main problem area, where most of the fat. It may be the stomach, thighs, arms, buttocks or sides. If you think that the process of losing weight, they will be eliminated first, then you are wrong. Very often it happens that a girl with a flat stomach and a narrow waist can not cope with the hips and breeches. Or Vice versa, with slender legs belly fat practically is not reduced. This is often determined by genetics. So sad the second axiom of the local diet: the main problem area leaves the most recent, but still with the battle.
3. Specifically remove the problem area is not
You tell me, but it is possible to remove separately the abdomen or thighs, by doing exercises on these parts of the body? It is not so simple. Strength exercises for problem areas to help you strengthen the muscles in my arms, stomach and legs. But fat they are not clean! For example, crunches will not help you to remove body fat on the belly. Thanks to them, you will only strengthen a muscular corset, but my stomach from it does not become less.
Of these three points, we conclude that it is impossible to lose weight locally. But you can help your body and slightly to guide him in the right direction. How do you do it?
Before proceeding to a specific action, let’s recall the Central tenet of weight loss: you must spend more calories than you eat per day. I.e. important calorie deficit. But it should not be a hunger strike, and reasonable dietary restrictions. More detailed information read the article about counting calories. If you add more and regular fitness, weight loss process will go much faster, and the quality of the body will improve.
How to lose weight locally in a separate problem area?
As we have said, a prescription local weight loss in specific problem area does not exist. But you can send your body in the right direction, if you correctly pick physical exercise. Important: all the tips given below will only work with reasonable dietary restrictions.
- If you want to lose weight in your stomach area, then you can do cardio exertion and individual training on the press. For greater effect can be 1-2 times a week complete program for the whole body to strengthen the muscle corset.
- If you want to get rid of fat on thighs and buttocks and inflate, you will again aerobic exercise and is especially effective plyometrics (jumping exercises). We also advise you to watch: the Top most effective workouts for thighs and buttocks
- If you want to lose weight in hips and avoid terrain, do cardio load, plyometrics, and ballet training. By the way, classes at the Barre are a great remedy for breeches.
- If you want to take sides or to reduce the waist, do focus on aerobic exercise and interval training. It is not necessary to roll a Hoop, perform twisting and bending to the side is ineffective. To lose weight locally in the sides is impossible, only in the process of getting rid of excess weight throughout the body. See also: How to reduce the waist and remove the sides: the whole truth, tips, exercises.
- If you want to pump up hands, then perform exercises for the upper body (e.g., Killer Arms & Back from Jillian Michaels) and don’t forget about cardio.
- If you want to lose weight in arms without relief, then, focus on the cardio-the load and do the exercises with small weights (no more than 1 kg). Can look for Tracy Anderson or again to ballet training.
- If you want to lose weight but keep Breasts in the previous volumes, then … Then without the intervention of surgery to do almost anything. The breast mainly consists of adipose tissue, therefore in the process of losing weight it is guaranteed to decrease.
- If you just want to pump up the chest, choose programs in which the emphasis is on upper body (again, the above mentioned Killer Arms & Back). However, do not expect a sudden metamorphosis, no chest muscles, so its shape you don’t change.
Have to disappoint you, magic secret for getting rid of excess weight will not be. Local weight loss is almost impossible, but you can persuade your body in the right direction, correctly picked up for a fitness program.
See also: How to make the waist tight: what to do and what NOT to do.