Banana is usually not particularly favored by nutritionists: it is high-calorie, sweet, starchy and, it seems, does not contribute to weight loss in any way. This diet will make you believe the opposite – it will help you lose weight and reduce the number of centimeters in the abdominal area.
The composition of a banana is fats, carbohydrates and protein, as well as starch, fiber, calcium, magnesium, zinc, sulfur, iron, phosphorus, silica, chlorine, pectin, vitamins A, C, E, B, glucose and sucrose.
A banana diet cannot be considered complete, since it is based on a restriction, on a single product, which means that all the substances necessary for normal functioning will be completely absent from your diet.
Therefore, first of all, it is worth learning the recommendation – this rapid cleansing diet can not last more than 3 days! Otherwise, health problems will not keep you waiting! During these days, you will be able to lose 2-3 kilograms of excess weight, if this is not enough-consider the principles of a longer, but proper nutrition.
The author of the diet, nutritionist of the British Olympic Association Jane Griffin, could not even imagine the popularity of her method – today, people lose weight on a banana diet in almost all countries of the world!
The principle of the banana diet
For all three days, the basis of your diet will be 3 bananas and 3 glasses of skimmed milk. Divide this amount of food into several meals that are convenient for you. You can mix the products into cocktails, or you can use them separately. It is allowed to drink water and green tea. Sugar and its substitutes are prohibited. If you are intolerant of milk, use low-fat kefir or yogurt.
Despite the seemingly small amount of food, the unloading banana diet is satisfying, since bananas will provide you with the necessary energy throughout the day. The diet is great for a quick weight loss effect before an important event or an upcoming vacation.
When choosing bananas for a diet, pay attention to their ripeness – there is a lot of starch in unripe fruits, which is not digested by the stomach. Do not use dried bananas – they are much more caloric than fresh ones and contain more sugar.
Ban on the banana diet
If you have any chronic diseases, consult a doctor before starting a diet. Such nutrition is contraindicated in diseases of the intestines and stomach, as well as in intolerance to these products.
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