How to lose weight by 4 kg? Video Tips

How to lose weight by 4 kg? Video Tips

Plus or minus 4 kg is a common thing even for women who are not prone to obesity. But sometimes excess weight appears completely inappropriate. You can lose weight slightly by slightly changing your usual lifestyle and diet.

Are you overweight? Move more!

Often, a slight increase in weight is observed due to insufficient physical activity. If you have a sedentary job, try to walk for a couple of stops, such as when heading home. If you have a car, this is almost impossible, but for the sake of a beautiful figure, you can take at least small walks in the evening and refuse to use the elevator.

Even a little daily physical activity can help you lose weight faster. Muscles are strengthened and body fat reduced

If you have some free time, sign up for the gym or pool. Active sports can help you get rid of body fat, especially around your waist, hips and arms. At the same time, it is not recommended to overdo it, otherwise the muscle mass will greatly increase and the refinement of the figure will disappear.

Some dietary restrictions will help to get rid of 4 kilograms. Try to give up flour products, because they are rich in complex carbohydrates, which provoke an increase in fat mass. Eliminate bread, baked goods, or keep them to a minimum.

Steam or boil food. So you will not only achieve weight loss, but also improve your body. Fried food contains many harmful substances that not only lead to an increase in body weight, but also a deterioration in the general condition.

Eat small meals often. Excessive overeating after a working day necessarily affects the figure. Eat the last meal at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. If you have a snack with a light vegetable salad and drink a glass of low-fat kefir, hunger will not bother you, and in the morning you will feel a boost of vivacity.

Ideally, the last meal should be before XNUMX p.m., but if you are used to staying up late, it will be difficult to resist the temptation to walk to the fridge for something tasty.

Have a fasting day once a week, preferably on a weekend when you’re at home. If you have previously tried not to eat for 36 hours, but only to drink water, give up food. For people who have not practiced hungry days, it is better to try to start with kefir or fruit ones. For 36 hours, drink 1 liter of kefir or eat a kilogram of apples. Other fruits can be used, but not bananas or grapes.

If you adhere to these simple recommendations, excess weight will go away quickly enough and without harm to health. Taking pills in order to lose weight with an extra four kilograms is impractical, and harmful.

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