How to lose belly weight quickly? Proven ways to drop your belly

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Many of us cannot boast of a perfectly flat and sculpted belly. Most of the population struggles with a thick, protruding belly, especially women who complain of abdominal obesity, with whom they have the greatest problem when starting weight loss. What are the causes and types of a fat belly? How to lose belly weight quickly?

  1. The thickness and shape of our belly say a lot about our lifestyle
  2. Scientists say, among others about an alcoholic and stressful belly
  3. Nutritionists warn that the appearance of the stomach is primarily influenced by the diet
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Types of abdominal obesity and its causes

If you look at the bellies of every person we pass by on the city streets, we find that there are as many abdominals as there are people on earth. One is puffed up like a balloon, the other is pendulous and the other looks like a lifebuoy. The thickness of our belly and its shape tell us about the lifestyle we lead and what causes unwanted fatty tissue on our stomach. There are 4 main types of belly:

  1. Alcoholic belly type – the belly takes the shape of an apple, fat is deposited under our muscles or just under the skin. Obesity is very dangerous and it is very difficult to fight it, because it is difficult to detect at first glance. Fat builds up in the spaces between internal organs and, as more and more fat is deposited, it causes the muscles to be pushed out. The cause of this type of stomach is consuming too much alcohol and consuming products that contain refined sugar.
  2. Bloated stomach type – it is a belly that resembles a lifebuoy. The belly feels hard to the touch and looks like we’ve swallowed a balloon. This type of abdomen changes, becomes bloated as the day goes on and immediately after eating too large a meal. This can be caused by eating too greedy, swallowing a lot of air, or eating too much food, chewing gum, or drinking through a straw.
  3. Stressed belly type – it is a soft and pendulous belly, looking like a pouring roller. The owner of such a belly is people who are exposed to constant stress, which causes the body to produce an increased amount of cortisol, which releases more than usual amount of sugar into the blood.
  4. Belly type pear – we deal with it when most of the fat is deposited in the hips, thighs and buttocks, and our figure resembles a pear. The female hormone estrogen is responsible for this type of abdomen. The body stores fatty tissue if we have hormonal disorders and the amount of estrogen secreted is deregulated.

Also check: Abdominal bloating – causes and treatment. Diet for a bloated stomach

How to lose belly weight quickly?

Getting rid of a fat stomach is associated with strenuous exercise, hours spent at the gym, drastic diets, constant starvation and a long list of sacrifices. You think you can never get rid of the protruding, thick unsightly pouring out belly. Nothing could be more wrong you just need to follow the simple rules that will allow you to enjoy a beautiful flat stomach every day.

How to lose belly weight — diet

Fast belly weight loss depends primarily on a proper diet. What we eat every day has a huge impact on how our stomach looks. We must remember that what we eat is to speed up our metabolism, and the amount of calories consumed should not exceed our basic caloric requirement.

A diet for a flat stomach should be rich in high-protein products such as: lean meat, eggs, fish, lean dairy products, legumes, etc., saturated fats, i.e. lean meat, nuts, olive oil, fruit and vegetables in an unlimited amount. However, every diet must also have some prohibitions, so if you want to forget about a fat belly, you must eliminate from your daily diet such products as: white bread, fat milk, pasta, butter, cheese, alcohol, sweetened and carbonated drinks, sweets and fast food – food.

See: Caloric demand – how to calculate it?

How to lose weight from the belly – physical activity

In order to lose belly weight quickly, a healthy and balanced diet must be supplemented with physical activity. We don’t have to spend a fortune on a gym, specialized equipment or a personal trainer. The excess fat on our stomach comes from our inactivity and too little and irregular physical activity.

We must remember that it is impossible to burn fat from only one part of the body, e.g. by exercising the so-called crunches. Therefore, you should choose an activity that will burn fat most intensively and that we will be able to adjust to our preferences and health.

The best training for quick belly fat loss is aerobic training (ie running, swimming, cycling, brisk walking, etc.), which should be performed 3-4 times a week for about 20-30 minutes. Aerobic training can be supplemented with strength exercises that will strengthen our muscles and make the abdominal muscles slimmer and more toned.

Read more: Exercises for the abdominal muscles – effects, the most popular exercises

How to lose weight from the belly – the chillout principle

The modern world and life under constant stress is not conducive to losing weight. In order to quickly lose weight from the belly, try to spend at least 30 minutes a day during the day relaxing, e.g. yoga, walking in the forest, bathing with oils. The amount and quality of sleep is very important. Try to sleep a minimum of 7 and optimally 8 hours a day. Try not to use your smartphone before falling asleep, not to watch TV, the blue light of which causes our body to be under constant stress, which results in the deposition of fatty tissue around the abdomen.

It is also worth laughing a lot. Laughter not only reduces stress levels and regulates blood pressure, it also causes your abs to tense up, much like doing crunches. It’s fair to say that this is the easiest way to tone your belly.

How to lose weight from the belly – drinking water

Water is extremely important not only for people who want to lose their stomachs and lose weight. The human body consists of 60% of it. Water improves digestion, accelerates metabolism, and regulates body temperature, nourishes the body, eliminates water cellulite and firms the skin. These are just a few of its great health benefits.

In order to lose a stomach, it was assumed that you should drink at least 8 glasses of mineral water a day. When we don’t drink for a long time, we start to feel bad, it is a signal from our body. These are the first signs of dehydration. We slowly start to feel dizzy, we feel nauseous and generally feel quite weak. To prevent this from happening, you should drink water frequently and in small amounts to keep your body hydrated.

It is also worth mentioning that water has a satiating effect, and at the same time allows us to eat less in one meal. According to the research, drinking two glasses of water before each meal helped test subjects lose 2 kilograms more than those who sat down to eat dinner immediately.

The doctor explains: Is drinking lemon water on an empty stomach?

How to lose weight from the belly – regular meals

Remember that regular meals are extremely important to maintain your dream figure. You should eat every three to four hours to keep your metabolism running smoothly. Let’s also not forget that our portions are not too large, because the body will not absorb all of them and may store a significant part in adipose tissue.

By consuming meals regularly, we prevent the feeling of hunger and fat storage. At the same time, for the sake of a flat stomach, eat our last meal about two hours before bedtime, because this is when our body will still have time to digest the food provided to it. When we go to bed with a full stomach, we may have trouble sleeping. This is because the digestive system will try to digest the food provided to it, and will not be able to produce the hormones needed for sleep, such as serotonin and tryptophan.

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How to lose weight from the belly – ready meals

Ready meals, which can be found in every supermarket in the frozen food section, are a simple alternative to home cooking. Unfortunately, we do not support the weight loss process in this way. Many ready-made products are theoretically nutritious, but they also contain a lot of unnecessary additives, the consumption of which is associated with an increased risk of excess belly fat and obesity.

How to lose weight from the belly – dietary supplements

In order to lose your belly relatively quickly, it is worth taking an interest in natural fat burners, which are an excellent ally in the fight for a perfect figure. The idea here is to add a little pepper, red pepper, ginger and turmeric to your dishes. These products boost the metabolism, including thermogenesis (our body has to strain itself a lot to regulate body temperature).

Before starting the diet, it is worth performing a complete nutrigenetic profile – determination of metabolic predispositions. Thanks to it, you will learn which products are better to eliminate from your menu and which ones to introduce to speed up your metabolism.

During this time, also drink green and red tea, which remove toxins and excess water from the body, so they help to reduce the abdominal circumference. It is also worth trying to add a little cinnamon to the dishes we eat. Cinnamon contains a special compound, cinnamic aldehyde, which causes adipocytes to burn previously stored fat cells.

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How to lose weight from the belly – sleep

Sleep when losing weight is extremely important. Adequate sleep has a positive effect on the body’s physical abilities and at the same time burns excess body fat, and also has a great effect on metabolism. Let’s make sure that you sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

Not getting enough sleep results in stress and can lead to exhaustion, and they are not allies of weight loss. In addition, lack of sleep causes disturbances in the production of hormones responsible for the feeling of hunger: leptin and ghrelin. As a result, during the day we feel like eating more often and we consume more calories.

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How to lose weight from the belly – chewing gum

Research has shown that chewing gum not only refreshes the breath and restores a white smile, but people who chew gum after lunch experience less bouts of hunger, with the result that they consume 36 fewer calories over the rest of the day. 36 calories may seem like a small value, but even such a modest number can translate into over 1,5 kilograms less in a year.

How to lose weight from the belly – eating in front of the mirror

Researchers, after conducting appropriate experiments, found out how much people enjoyed eating when eating in front of the mirror, and how much when they did not see each other. In the presence of a mirror, participants tasted 1,4 flavor points less; in the case of dried fruit, the results were similar in both situations. The presence of a mirror can make us perceive unhealthy foods as actually unhealthy, increasing our self-awareness.

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How to lose weight from the belly – breathing

It turns out that proper breathing is the key to success when it comes to losing unnecessary kilograms. Most of us cannot breathe well and do so too shallowly. As a result, our body is poorly oxygenated, and the belly is tense. We should take in the air deeply so that the belly visibly rises and let it out slowly. You should also remember to breathe at an even pace. Although it may seem difficult to us at first, it is worth repeating this procedure every day, at least for a few minutes. It will force all abdominal muscles to work and calm you down at the same time.

How to lose weight from the belly – good posture

Simple, which is effective. Our belly will appear larger if we walk with a hunched back. On the other hand, if we only pull the shoulder blades and raise our chin slightly, our silhouette will look nicer and our stomach will appear flat.

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How to lose weight from the belly – take your time while eating

If we want to lose unnecessary kilograms, we should not eat in a hurry. Calmly chewing meals bite by bite may prevent later indigestion and stomach bloating, which in turn causes not only drowsiness and a feeling of discomfort, but also translates into the appearance of our stomach. When we eat quickly, we ingest too much air, which also causes digestive problems.

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How to lose weight from the belly – magnesium

Magnesium can have great weight loss effects. According to a study published in 2013 in the Journal of Nutrition, high magnesium content in the diet is associated with a small amount of glucose and insulin in the blood, and they are the culprits of adipose tissue deposition, incl. on the belly. Additionally, magnesium has a beneficial effect on removing water swelling.

This element can be found in cocoa (and high-content chocolate), buckwheat, white beans and other legumes, as well as in nuts, rye bread, parsley and broccoli.

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How to lose weight from the belly – slimming bath

After a good workout, it’s worth going to the bathtub for an hour, instead of jumping into a quick shower. According to research conducted by the British, an hour’s bath burns 140 calories, which is almost as much as walking for about half an hour. It is said that passive heating or a hot bath is also able to limit the progression of inflammatory processes, thus helping with weight loss.

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