Losing those extra pounds is sometimes quite problematic. A specially selected diet, which is designed for 7 days, will help you with this. It was developed by Finnish nutritionists.
How to lose 5 kg in a week
The basis of the Finnish diet is the exclusion of high-calorie foods, which also contain animal fats and sugar, from the usual diet.
Remove from the menu:
- canned goods
- smoked products
- sweets
- rice
- pasta
- bread
- animal fats
Experts recommend to reduce or completely reduce the use of table salt
The main dish of the Finnish diet is soup. It is also allowed to eat fish and seafood.
- fruit
- skim cheese
- dairy products
- low fat milk
- a fish
- lean meats
- cereals (oat, buckwheat, pearl barley)
- vegetables
The diet recommended by experts is 4-5 times a day
To get a better understanding of the Finnish diet, here is a sample menu for one day.
For breakfast: soup, milk porridge, fruit juice.
For lunch: fresh fruits.
For lunch: soup, a little boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad, green tea.
For dinner: soup, buckwheat porridge, roast, yogurt.
At night: a glass of kefir or milk.
To make a soup for the Finnish diet, you need the following ingredients:
- basil
- black pepper
- A glass of tomato juice
- garlic head
- Xnumx g cauliflower
- 200 g of leeks
- 250 g parsley
- 250 g cabbage
- 250 г моркови
- 300 g celery
- 500 g onions
Vegetables must be washed well, peeled and finely chopped. After that, they are poured with cold running water and boiled until fully cooked. Using a blender, chop the vegetables until puree. Add spices and tomato juice. Simmer the soup for 15-20 minutes.
Like many other diets, the express diet has a number of contraindications. Avoid strict food restrictions for people who have the following medical conditions:
- with bulimia, diabetes, etc.
- with chronic anemia of any degree
- for problems with blood composition
- with low hemoglobin
- with stomach diseases
- with an ulcer
Before starting to comply with a certain diet, consult a specialist. He will tweak your menu and provide valuable advice and advice.
It must be remembered: in order to quickly lose those extra pounds in a week, in addition to proper and balanced nutrition, attention should be paid to physical activity.
Read also an interesting article about the diet of Dr. Kovalkov.