If you think you are drinking enough water and other fluids, and you do not need to count the number of glasses you drink per day, then check out these signs. If you definitely don’t have them, everything is in order. But having at least one of them should give you a reason to think about increasing the amount of fluid you drink.
Sign 1 – fast fatigue
To compensate for the lack of fluid, the body, when it is lacking, connects all possible fluid – lymph, blood, which is why not enough oxygen reaches the brain. Hence drowsiness, lethargy, rapid fatigue and depressed mood.
Sign 2 – edema
If the body lacks something, it tries to store up reserves – be it fat, essential elements, or water. And swelling also indicates that the body does not want to part with water – what if the next one will not be soon?
Sign 3 – Slow Down Digestion
Water perfectly “starts” digestion, speeds up metabolism, increases the amount of gastric juice secreted during the digestion of food. If you often experience pain, bloating, bowel problems, you are probably not getting enough water.
Sign 4 – overweight
In addition to the fact that when there is a lack of water, metabolism suffers, and the excess is perfectly retained on your figure, plus edema, which adds weight, the brain also reads signals incorrectly. He confuses thirst with hunger and leads you not to a bottle of water, but to the refrigerator.
Sign 5 – pressure surges
When there is not enough fluid in the body, the blood becomes less fluid, viscous, which makes it difficult to circulate. This immediately leads to problems with blood pressure, and also increases the risk of thrombosis, heart disease associated with the rhythm.
Sign 6 – joint pain
To prevent the joints from rubbing against each other, the fluid between the cartilages also needs a lot of water. If you exercise, increase your fluid intake as the amount of joint movement increases dramatically.
Be healthy!