It’s just great if the feelings are mutual and your couple has Valentine’s Day every day and you want to kiss almost all day long. Well, if you are just going to open your heart to someone, February 14 is just made for this.
What are kisses
A gentle kiss
Romantic and sensual. How to kiss? The lips are relaxed and slightly elongated. Touch your partner’s upper or lower lip and squeeze lightly with your lips for a couple of seconds. Lean back, open your eyes and smile. Partner happy? Great, kiss again, but more insistently. Alternate kisses on the lower lip, on the upper … Sucking, biting are appropriate. Change the tilt of your head, stroke your hair or cheek, hug your neck.
French (or passionate love kiss)
Quite deep and very passionate, which involves not only the lips, but also the tongue. Imagine that you are in a hot desert and you are thirsty. And suddenly – an oasis. Now take a deep breath and kiss your beloved as if you are leaning on a life-giving spring. You can press your partner a little closer by placing your palm on the back of his head. But do not overdo it: not everyone likes “wet” kisses, too deep or too long. Tenderness is above all. End the kiss gradually. Look into each other’s eyes, smile. Say something nice.
This is the kiss of an already established relationship. It is not as sensual as gentle, and not as deep as French. It is similar to an air kiss and ends with a distinct “smack”. The touch of the lips can be both dense and purely symbolic.
How to diversify?
A little practice and you yourself will understand what turns you and your partner on. The main thing – try to relax and “turn off your head” during the kiss. That is, you need to stop analyzing what is happening or think about your own (this is generally unacceptable if your partner is dear to you). Just give in to your feelings. You yourself will be surprised at your imagination and ingenuity. And also – watch romantic melodramas. That’s where the storehouse of kissing ideas.
Kiss outside in the rain
The brightest movie kisses – just like that, noticed? The same “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” with Audrey Hepburn or “The Notebook” with Rachel McAdams. You can limit yourself to gentle licking of drops of water from the partner’s lips and chin. And you can continue to kiss more decisively.
Kiss in unexpected places
Remember Rhett’s farewell kiss with Scarlett in Gone with the Wind on the war-torn bridge? And the famous kiss at the stern of the Titanic? Vooooot. By the way, it is believed that love fades if, left alone with each other in the elevator, you do not start hugging and kissing.
delicious kiss
Suitable for a romantic dinner. Sip champagne (wine, liquor, cappuccino … – any drink that has a pleasant taste and aroma) so that a little remains on your lips, and kiss your partner. How can you not remember “Nine and a half weeks”?
The initiative shown by the girl
But especially – the initiative is protracted. Tilt your head slightly to one side, look invitingly at your beloved, and then close your eyes and begin to approach his lips as slowly as you can. Like Marilyn Monroe in “Only Girls in Jazz” – a beautiful scene of seduction on a yacht.
Kiss the neck, earlobe, closed eyes, palm
And many more like a kiss in the jugular cavity (the dimple between the collarbones). This is very beautifully described in the film “The English Patient”.
Do not be silent
Whisper gentle words, compliments, they sound especially erotic on the exhale and in your ear. Even barely audible sigh, groan, sob will add brightness and sensuality to the kiss.
Popular questions and answers
Emotional benefit – this is the most obvious: express love, calm down, relax in your favorite embrace … A kiss triggers biochemical reactions that reduce the level of cortisol (stress hormone) and at the same time increase the production of oxytocin. So if you are sad, tired, or nervous, kiss urgently.
Pay attention to the power of a passionate morning kiss. This is especially important for men. Having received the right emotional charge of inspiration at home, they are ready to move mountains at work, achieve great success and earn more.
Good series of kisses lowers blood pressure and relieves headaches. The heart contracts more often (110 beats per minute), blood vessels dilate, blood flow and blood supply to all organs and systems improves.
Kissing is great caries prevention. More saliva is released, the salts, minerals and natural antibiotics contained in it normalize the acidity in the oral cavity and strengthen the enamel of the teeth.
Also, this is the way to prolongation of youth. An energetic kiss works a lot of facial muscles, as a result, the neck and chin are tightened and 8 to 16 calories are burned.
Acute respiratory and viral infections, influenza, tonsillitis can also be transmitted with an innocent kiss on the nose. If the kissers have wounds or microcracks in their mouths, there is a risk of catching hepatitis and syphilis.
No, no, do not rush to become paranoid. The listed risks are just an excuse to monitor your health and not rush into the pool without getting to know the person you like well enough.
Kiss for health and be happy!
Har Kim ham Har xil o’pishishadi. Ammo Haddan ziyod ortiq emas. O’pishdan oldin “Men seni sevaman” deb o’psa yanada go’zal va lazzatli bo’ladi😍😘