How to keep skin youthful: professionals advise

To avoid wrinkles, age spots, dull complexion and other signs of aging, it is not enough to use advanced creams and innovative serums. You need to take care of your skin consistently, regularly and comprehensively. Exactly what our experts say.

In skin care, everything is individual. And yet there are recommendations that will suit everyone. We asked leading experts in the field of dermatology and cosmetology to name universal rules that will help delay skin aging.

Learn to relax

Dr. Olivier Courtin-Clarence, CEO of the Clarins Group, advises: “Relax your facial muscles as often as possible and relax yourself. When you are tense, without noticing it, you clench your jaw and frown. As a result, a wrinkle is laid between the eyebrows, the tips of the lips fall. A relaxed face looks calm and attractive.

Do breathing exercises regularly. For a few minutes, forget about problems, find a quiet place, take a comfortable position and breathe slowly, if possible through the nose, without effort, gradually lengthening the exhalation. This contributes to the saturation of cells with oxygen, gives the face freshness and radiance. During water procedures, rinse your face with cool water. This technique maintains skin tone.

Three main steps in facial care

Dr. David Orentrek, Clinique’s Leading Dermatologist, recommends repeating three simple steps every morning and evening: cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize. The composition and format of the products depends on your skin type. So, you can clean your face with both dermatological soap (if you have oily skin) and delicate foam (if it is sensitive).

Many exfoliate the skin occasionally using harsh exfoliators, but this is not entirely true. “Together with the appearance of new cells, a layer of dead cells forms on the surface of the skin. In the morning, you need to remove the layer that formed during the night. Therefore, clean and exfoliate the skin should be in the morning and evening. Facial care is akin to exercise – it is better to exercise regularly according to a program designed specifically for you than to overload the body with intense exercises from time to time, ”says David Orentrek.

Don’t forget to moisturize

“Care products moisturize the skin by only 20% in the outer layer. The remaining 80% of moisture comes from food, drink and dietary supplements,” says dermatologist Dr. Howard Murad, creator of his own line of Dr. Murad. The specialist claims that the water that cells need for normal operation is best obtained from food – fresh vegetables and fruits. They should form the basis of your daily diet.

In cosmetics, it is better to give preference to creams with components that attract and retain moisture inside the cells. These are lecithin, hyaluronic acid, plant extracts (cucumber, aloe), oils (shea and borage seeds).

Do not forget to do self-massage

French cosmetologist Joel Siocco, creator of proprietary facial massage techniques and consultant for L’Oréal Paris, believes that any care should be supplemented with self-massage. It takes three to five minutes, is suitable for any age and skin type, and increases the effectiveness of cosmetics.

It is contraindicated to cover oily skin with too thick a layer of cream, and light textures cannot be used for dry skin.

First you need to improve the lymph flow. To do this, simultaneously press the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands on the skin, moving from top to bottom – from the forehead to the décolleté. Then you need to gently grab and lift the skin with the thumb and forefinger of both hands, without stretching it too much. With such pinch movements, you need to work out the entire face, neck and décolleté area.

Finally, you need to pat your face with your fingers so that the skin turns slightly red. Such “slaps” stimulate blood circulation, enrich the skin with oxygen and increase its tone.

Apply the cream correctly

London-based beauty therapist John Tzagaris, creator of the Skin Point Eight cosmetic line and author of acupuncture-based rejuvenation, claims that most women misuse products: “For example, it is believed that the more products you apply, the better.”

“But the more all kinds of products will be on your face, the more they will provoke the appearance of bacteria, blackheads and inflammation,” continues John. – It is better to work less on the skin. It is contraindicated to cover oily skin with too thick a layer of cream, and light textures cannot be used for dry skin.

In addition, John Tsagaris advises to go to baths, saunas and spa treatments more often. They improve tissue trophism, speed up metabolism, open and cleanse pores, free the skin from dead cells and make it more receptive to cosmetics.

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