How to induce vomiting quickly at home
In the lives of adults and children, situations sometimes arise that require radical ways to improve their health. We are talking about the artificial induction of vomiting as an option to alleviate the condition in case of poisoning or the use of harmful products. Is it dangerous to induce vomiting at home and how to do it?
Is it dangerous to induce vomiting?
The gag reflex is an artificial way of emptying the stomach from the remains of food and drunk liquids. If this is a necessity, then such isolated cases do not carry health risks. Food leftovers mixed with liquid and gastric juice will leave the body as a result of smooth muscle spasms. The person may feel mild throat irritation, dizziness, and a burning sensation in the throat.
How to induce vomiting quickly at home without consequences.
Such manipulations pose some danger for young children. Not all children can control their own condition, therefore, re-swallowing of stomach contents takes place. For this reason, it is best for babies to seek medical attention or have an enema.
To minimize discomfort, tilt your head correctly during bouts of vomiting. It should be placed horizontally so that vomit does not enter the nasal passages.
Systematic induction of vomiting is much more dangerous. This method is often used by people seeking to lose weight. If you do this daily, you can disrupt the water-salt balance in the body, provoke irritation of the stomach and esophagus, and disrupt the processes of digestion and absorption of food. This is a direct route to bulimia and anorexia.
How to induce vomiting quickly at home without consequences.
When to induce vomiting
Induce vomiting on your own in the following cases.
Food poisoning.
Exacerbation of gastritis or pancreatitis if you break your diet.
Ate accidentally drank a large number of medications.
Poisoning by alcoholic beverages.
In these cases, induction of vomiting is the most reasonable way out, which will help avoid serious consequences. However, it should be borne in mind that vomiting should be induced promptly, at the first symptoms: nausea, chills, diarrhea.
How to induce vomiting quickly at home
There are mechanical and medical methods to provoke nausea and vomiting. How to induce vomiting quickly at home mechanically? You can stick your fingers deep into your mouth, causing nausea, which will lead to the process of stomach emptying. Another method is to press or irritate the base of the tongue deep in the mouth with a spoon or other safe object. If such methods do not work, they resort to using a liquid.
How to induce vomiting with potassium permanganate? To do this, perform the following steps:
dilute potassium permanganate powder in a small amount of water;
add water to a volume of 2 liters: the solution should turn out to be light pink;
drink slowly the entire volume of water.
From a large volume of fluid, the walls of the stomach stretch, pressure comes on the esophagus, which causes an emetic effect. Next, you can follow the instructions on how to induce vomiting with your fingers, described above. Potassium permanganate is good because it has a disinfecting property, but in high concentration it can cause a burn of the mucous membrane.
Other fluids can be used to induce gastric emptying. This is a weak saline or soda solution. They also have antimicrobial properties and heals mucous membranes.
For the procedure, the volume of liquid drunk should not be less than 2,5 liters. As more gentle liquids, you can use a decoction of chamomile, St. John’s wort, anise.
How to induce vomiting for weight loss? For those seeking to lose weight quickly, vomiting is becoming the most effective way, but it is associated with a great health risk, therefore, this option of dealing with extra pounds is not considered safe and is condemned by all nutritionists.
It is advisable to resort to induction of vomiting only in exceptional cases. By preventing the intake of nutrients into the body, it is possible to harm not only the digestive system, but also the body as a whole. To clear your stomach with minimal consequences, it is best to seek medical help.
– One of the causes of vomiting is food poisoning, acute indigestion (other symptoms are diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea), which appears after eating poisonous, expired or low-quality food.
The cause can be infections – viruses, protozoa or bacteria, such as salmonella, lamblia, shigella. In this case, we are talking about foodborne infections. Food poisoning can be toxic – eating mushrooms, food containing poisons, heavy metals, dyes, preservatives.
Call an ambulance immediately if:
dehydration – frequent vomiting and diarrhea and cannot be drunk;
temperature above 40;
an elderly person, a pregnant woman or a child under 3 years of age has been poisoned;
vomiting does not stop for more than 2 hours;
there is a suspicion of toxic poisoning (mushrooms, nightshade, henbane, wolfberry). Before the arrival of the ambulance, do not water or feed, try to induce vomiting. You can put cold on the abdominal area.
In most cases, hospitalization is not required. Isolate the patient, often drink in small portions, feed at will. Ventilate the room, carry out wet cleaning more often. Dishes must be personal. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after examination.
Anna Gerasimenko, Rumiya Safiulina