How to Improve Pregnancy Feelings
Pregnancy brings wonderful sensations associated with the birth of a new life. At the same time, this is a period of toxicosis, frequent mood swings, the emergence of new and exacerbation of old diseases. If the expectant mother does not know how to improve her well-being during pregnancy, she may react violently to minor stimuli, and sometimes quietly falls into depression. But it is possible to improve the situation with simple methods.
Where does ill health come from?
In the first trimester, a large-scale hormonal change takes place in a woman’s body. It is she who causes an imbalance in the nervous system. Depressive moods are more likely to affect women who have not planned a pregnancy, have financial difficulties or conflicts in the family.
Being in nature contributes to the improvement of well-being during pregnancy.
Problems at work can aggravate the emotional state: misunderstanding on the part of colleagues, dissatisfaction with superiors, heavy workload, fear of losing a job.
Depression during pregnancy is accompanied by:
- feeling of emptiness;
- despondency and anxiety;
- irritability;
- loss of appetite;
- overwork;
- insomnia;
- apathy for what is happening;
- feelings of guilt, hopelessness;
- low self-esteem.
By the middle of pregnancy, the emotional background usually stabilizes. The exception is those cases when there is a threat of miscarriage. For natural reasons, a woman’s well-being during pregnancy worsens at the 8-9th month. This is facilitated by a feeling of fatigue, fear of childbirth, clumsiness, heartburn, frequent constipation and urge to urinate, shortness of breath, heaviness in the legs, swelling.
How to eliminate feeling unwell during pregnancy?
“Calm, only calm!” – the famous phrase of Carlson should become your credo for nine months of pregnancy. And the point here is not so much in the hypothetical possibility of giving birth to a nervous child, as in the real threat not to bear it. Constant worries and stress lead to hypertonicity of the uterus, as a result of which spontaneous abortion occurs.
How to make you feel better during pregnancy? Stay active!
How to influence the state of health during pregnancy?
- Try to get a good night’s sleep, sleep for a couple of hours during the day.
- Eat small meals every 3-4 hours.
- With toxicosis, be sure to have breakfast. If morning sickness suffers, eat in bed.
- Watch your weight. Eliminate fatty, spicy and smoked foods from the diet.
- If you have edema, reduce your salt intake, avoid carbonated and sugary drinks.
- Stay active: go for a walk in the evenings, swim in the pool, do yoga.
- Look for positive emotions: go on short trips, listen to your favorite music.
If you cannot cope with poor health on your own, you should consult a doctor. Based on complaints, he can prescribe a safe sedative, adjust the diet. In some cases, even a word spoken by an authoritative and experienced doctor heals.
So, the health and life of the child directly depend on the well-being of the mother. Constant emotional stress can cause hypertonicity of the uterus.