How to grow your nails quickly?

How to grow your nails quickly?

The speed of nail growth and their strength depend on many factors: genetic inheritance, diet, care given to hands and nails. In some women, nail growth is difficult and slow. Fortunately, there are a number of tips that can help. Find out how to make your nails grow faster in our article.

Nails that no longer grow: take care of your hands!

Do your nails take a long time to grow, to the point where you don’t feel like they are growing anymore? Before going further on our tips for accelerating nail growth, it is important to take stock of the care you give to your hands.

We use our hands every day to do thousands of different and varied tasks, and our fingernails are sometimes subjected to severe tests. The nails can then break easily, become softer or thinner, and growth can slow down.

To take care of your hands, and therefore your nails, remember to wear gloves every time you handle aggressive products : when you do the dishes, housework, if you color, etc. All these products containing particularly abrasive agents can significantly damage your nails and slow down growth.

Finally, when your nails seem fragile to you and your hands are dry, feel free to use moisturizing balms or nourishing oils like castor oil. Because yes, if the skin needs to be hydrated, the nail also needs it to grow faster, while being strong!

A bath to accelerate nail growth

In the same idea as foot baths, it is quite possible to do “hand baths”. The baths allow you to remove dead skin but also to accelerate the growth of the nails, when you put the right products.

For example, you can make a bath with argan oil, castor oil and lemon juice.. Argan oil will deeply hydrate the nail to strengthen it, castor oil is known to stimulate growth, whether it is nails, eyelashes, or hair thanks to its vitamin contribution E, minerals and proteins. Finally, lemon juice, thanks to its antiseptic and antifungal properties, will allow the nails to grow stronger and more resistant. Do this once a week for 5 to 10 minutes, you will get results quickly.

Simpler, you can also bath to make your nails grow faster, with 4 tablespoons of olive oil and 5 drops of lavender essential oile. This mixture will help brittle nails to grow stronger for better growth.

How to make your nails grow faster with food?

Iron is an essential nutrient for solid nails : it prevents the edge of the nails to rise, facilitating breakage, and that the nails take a concave shape. This is a phenomenon that is observed in particular in people with anemia. Red meat, soy, and lentils are your allies to accelerate nail growth! Magnesium is also essential for strong nails : bet on almonds, green vegetables, and mineral water containing magnesium.

Of course, the more balanced your diet, the faster your nails will grow. Vitamins, minerals, trace elements, proteins, contribute to the growth and strength of nails. We tend to forget it, but the appearance of our skin, our nails, our hair depends to a large extent on our diet. Thus, deficiencies, such as excess, can be harmful to the growth of your nails.

To give a nail that is no longer growing a boost, a dietary supplement for nails and hair, such as brewer’s yeast, can be of great help. Brewer’s yeast is a small mushroom packed with vitamin E, vitamin B, minerals and trace elements. It is easily found in capsules on specialized sites, or in drugstores.

With its rich nutrient composition, brewer’s yeast stimulates the growth of nails and hair, ensuring long, strong nails, as well as shiny, healthy hair. Used in addition to a balanced diet, you can get very good results, provided you follow the dosage to the letter.

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  1. Tirnoğim juda kalta
    Õstira olmayabman

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