How to get rid of constipation in adults at home
If you have a delicate problem and there is no way to get to the doctor, you can use home remedies. But it is important that they are safe and effective.

What is constipation?

Regular bowel movements are a vital function for maintaining a healthy body. The consistency of a healthy stool should be soft, in the form of a “sausage”. Constipation occurs when stool hardens in the colon and does not come out.

Constipation can be caused by dehydration, stress, fiber deficiency, overeating, and eating unhealthy foods. Constipation is often a side effect of medications. Constipation can affect people of any age, but it is more common in older people. One third of adults over 60 suffer from this condition. In addition, women are at risk, especially pregnant women or those who have recently given birth, as well as people who do not move much.

Constipation is a very annoying phenomenon, but fortunately, there are many home remedies that can solve the problem.


When a person becomes dehydrated, their body begins to draw water from all body tissues, including the colon.

To solve the problem, drink more water – 6-8 glasses a day.


Caffeine is able to stimulate emptying – it causes the contraction of the intestinal muscles. However, coffee also dehydrates the body, so you need to drink plenty of water along with it so as not to worsen the condition.


The warm liquid itself calms the digestive system. Black and green tea also contain caffeine, which stimulates the bowels. But there are other supplements that additionally help with constipation:

  • ginger – this spice speeds up digestion;
  • peppermint – menthol soothes the stomach in case of upset and helps to move the stool through the intestines;
  • chamomile – it relaxes the muscles, including the intestines;
  • licorice root – it has anti-inflammatory properties, which will help ease the work of the digestive system after eating;
  • dandelion root – it relieves mild constipation by stimulating the liver.
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Lemon juice

Lemon juice helps to remove toxins from the body.

As a natural digestive aid, lemon juice can be added to drinking water or tea to enhance bowel stimulation. Freshly squeezed lemon juice is best.

Coconut water

Coconut water detoxifies and moisturizes. It enhances kidney function and stimulates the digestive system. Coconut water also contains magnesium, which helps the muscles in the intestinal wall move feces out of the body.

Milk and ghee

Although eating too much dairy can sometimes lead to constipation, some people benefit from warm milk to stimulate their bowels, especially with the addition of ghee.

Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of ghee to warm milk in the evening to gently and naturally stimulate bowel movements the next morning.


Probiotics help restore healthy bacteria in the digestive system.

Natural probiotics are found in sauerkraut and yogurt – be sure to include these foods in your diet. Or take probiotics as a supplement.

Fiber (cellulose)

Fiber promotes digestive health as well as weight loss. Fiber is soluble and insoluble. Soluble adds volume to the stool. Insoluble contributes to the speed of movement of fecal masses through the colon. You need to consume 25-30 g of dietary fiber per day.

Fiber rich foods:

  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • beans;
  • oatmeal;
  • flax-seed;
  • bran.

They often contain both soluble and insoluble forms of fiber.

If for some reason these foods don’t work for you or you don’t like them, you can use over-the-counter fiber supplements – they come in capsule or powder form, they can be added to water or juice (but not soda!) and taken for improve digestion.

And don’t forget to drink water – it will reduce the side effects of fiber, such as bloating.

Prunes, figs and raisins

Prunes have been considered the standard home remedy for constipation for centuries. In addition to fiber, it contains sorbitol, which has a laxative effect.

Raisins and figs have the same effect.


Honey is rich in enzymes that improve digestion. In addition, it is a mild laxative.

Eat honey in its pure form or add it to tea, water or warm milk.


Omega-3s are polyunsaturated fatty acids. They naturally stimulate bowel movements. And they are found in foods such as red fish, avocados, fish oil, hemp seed oil, linseed oil.

If you don’t like these foods, buy omega-3 supplements from the drugstore.


Fennel is a spice that has a mild laxative effect. Fennel seeds increase the activity of gastric enzymes, help the stool pass through the colon efficiently.

Roasted fennel can be added to warm water and drunk in the evening.

Kastorovoe butter

A natural laxative, castor oil, derived from castor beans, can be taken orally to stimulate bowel movements. This oil not only lubricates the intestines, but also causes it to contract.

Take 1-2 teaspoons of castor oil on an empty stomach. After about 8 hours, bowel movements should improve.


Senna is an herb that uses leaves, flowers, and fruits. It has been used for thousands of years as a natural laxative. Senna helps to contract the walls of the digestive tract. It can be very effective and last for several hours after consumption.

Senna grass is brewed like a tea. It is also available as a tablet or powder supplement.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is often used topically to heal cuts and burns, but it can also be taken internally to soothe the digestive tract.

Drink plain aloe vera juice or add it to smoothies or other drinks to relieve constipation.


Vitamins are useful for maintaining the balance of the entire digestive system. For the health of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors recommend:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins B1, B5, B9, B12.

Eat foods containing these vitamins – this will help increase the number of bowel movements. Or take vitamins in the form of supplements.

Baking soda

Another product that will help cleanse the colon. The baking soda reacts with stomach acids to stimulate bowel movements.

Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in XNUMX/XNUMX cup of warm water and drink.


Regular exercise will help maintain a healthy bowel movement.

Take up running – it can activate the intestines and colon, causing the stool to move. Love dancing. Or walk for 10-15 minutes 2 times a day – the effect will be the same.

If constipation is causing discomfort, bloating, or cramps that make it difficult to exercise, take up yoga. The rotational movements of the body will be especially useful – in this case, the intestines are compressed, the stool softens and comes out better.

Belly massage

Massaging the abdomen is also helpful for constipation.

Lying on your back, press clockwise on your abdomen for about 10 minutes to help push the stool through the colon. This massage should be done 2 times a day.


They will help if you need to get rid of constipation quickly.

In general, enemas are safe and easy to use, but doctors do not advise getting carried away with them.


Another remedy for constipation is laxative suppositories, which are injected into the rectum. A glycerin suppository can relieve mild to moderate constipation. After the introduction, the suppository begins to melt and stimulates defecation.

Popular questions and answers

We asked you to answer popular questions about constipation Gastroenterologist Marata Zinnatullina.

Why is constipation dangerous?
Constipation is a slow, difficult or systematically insufficient defecation (bowel emptying), a decrease in defecation acts (less than 4 per week), a change in the consistency of feces (hard, fragmented stools).

It is customary to distinguish between primary (functional) constipation as an independent disease, and secondary – a symptom of other diseases (cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, neurological diseases, endocrine, mental disorders, etc.).

Constipation can lead to abdominal pain, a feeling of fullness, intoxication. Ultimately, intestinal obstruction, intestinal diverticulosis, rectal prolapse, and hemorrhoidal bleeding may occur. People with constipation have a higher risk of developing colon cancer than people with normal bowel function.

Is it possible to get rid of constipation in folk ways?
Regardless of the cause of constipation, normalization of nutrition plays an important role. Recommended:

● drink enough water;

● increase the content of dietary fiber in the diet (vegetables, fruits, herbs, finished preparations of dietary fiber);

● avoid long breaks in eating.

The Russian Gastroenterological Association recommends using psyllium for constipation – this is the shell of psyllium seeds. With the appointment of psyllium, daily stools can be achieved in almost all patients.

In the absence of stones in the gallbladder (an ultrasound of the abdominal organs is carried out for this), Donat magnesium or Zajechitska bitter mineral water, as well as vegetable oils (linseed, olive, etc.) can be used.

When to see a doctor for constipation?
If the situation does not normalize if the above recommendations are followed, then you should consult a doctor to determine the state of health and the correct selection of therapy.

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