Bob Harper not only creates effective video programs for weight loss, but also gives helpful tips on nutrition. In his book “Rules of harmony” he gives some compelling arguments that are guaranteed to help you lose weight.
Tips on nutrition from Bob Harper
1. Before each meal for 15-20 minutes and drink a glass of water. About the benefits of water says a lot, so don’t forget daily drink at least 2 liters of water. In addition, a glass of water before a meal helps to reduce appetite.
2. Don’t drink extra calories. Soda, artificial juices, sweetened coffee or tea — very often we don’t even take them for a full meal. Although carbohydrates are superior to many other products. If you are thirsty, choose natural water.
3. Eat proteins for Breakfast, lunch and dinner. First, they are essential for construction your muscles. And second, to digest proteins, the body requires more energy than the digestion of fats and carbohydrates. Proteins include meat, fish, cheese, peas, lentils, eggs, soy.
4. Avoid bakery products and products of processed flour. About the dangers of flour for your figure everyone knows, so try to make the menu without the inclusion of these foods in your diet.
5. Consume 30 to 50 grams of fiber every day. Fiber cleanses the body from toxins, and ensures a quick saturation of the body without consuming excess calories. The most valuable source of fiber are considered bran.
6. Eat apples and berries every day. They are a good substitute for a sweet dessert. Besides contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients.
7. Limit carbohydrate intake after lunch. It is the carbohydrate most often processed into a fat, so it’s best to eat them in the morning. This is especially true of fast carbs.
8. Always carefully study the composition of the products. Many bought screaming at the different labels on packages, for example, “natural product” or “fitness food.” Always read the composition and analyze the usefulness of the product.
9. Clearly control the size of the portions. For example, if you eat a handful of nuts or cookies, you will not know the exact portion size of meals. Always put food in the dish, to monitor the meals, and try to use the same dish size.
10. Stop eating sugar substitutes, including artificial. They affect the taste buds, no digesting in the human body. It’s just a substitute for sugar, which provokes the appetite, but does not saturate the body.
11. Forget about the potatoes. It contains a lot of starch and polysaccharides, so that is not recommended is losing weight. Give preference to complex carbohydrates, such as cereals.
12. Once a week to arrange a day without meat. But in order not to deprive the body of protein products that are so useful and necessary, prepare this the day peas, lentils or a large portion of scrambled eggs.
13. Forget about fast food and fried food. Better yet, cook in a double boiler to preserve the useful properties of products. To keep food seemed tasteless, spices and herbs.
14. Always a full Breakfast. First, the morning meal includes a metabolism process in the body. And secondly, in the evening you will Wake up hungry because of skipping a wholesome Breakfast.
15. Bring a home-cooked meal and try to cookat least 10 times a week. You can’t know for sure that added to the dish in cafes and restaurants and how it was prepared. What to say about prepared food from supermarkets and convenience foods.
16. Reduce intake of salt and salty foods. Salt retains water and prevents natural metabolic processes. And this, in turn, provokes swelling and an increase on the scales.
17. Eat vegetables. Just do it! Vegetables contain not many calories, but well saturated. Veggies slow down the digestion of carbohydrates and fats, not allowing them to immediately processed into fat cells.
18. Go to bed hungry. This is not really a rule, but a forced necessity. With a limited supply (especially first time) you will feel a permanent hunger.
19. Be sure to get enough sleep. It is proved that regular lack of sleep is disrupted the process of regulating the hormones responsible for appetite. Therefore, your sleep duration should be a minimum of 7-8 hours.
20. Allow yourself breaks, 1 time per week. If you constantly keep yourself strict limits, then sooner or later fail. Just remember that exemptions should be during one of the meals, but not during the day.
See also: Everything you need to know about nutrition before and after exercise.