How to eat right according to your zodiac sign

Each sign of the zodiac has its own predisposition to diseases, weakness, and also a tendency to gain weight. And it is the date of birth that can help you reconsider your eating habits and find out which foods should be consumed and which should be avoided. All advice is advisory in nature, but any information is a reason to think about what we are eating wrong?

Aries nutrition

Aries love to eat well, so they are often overweight and even obese. For this sign, frequent unhealthy snacks and nighttime overeating should be limited. And to feel energized, you should choose foods that contain potassium phosphate (tomatoes, strawberries, nuts).

You can’t eat: dark meat, animal fats, salty, spicy and fried foods should be limited to sweets as a source of fast carbohydrates.


You can eat: cereals, dairy products, fish, vegetables (beets, radishes, turnips, cabbage), foods high in vitamin C (citrus fruits, apples, bananas, sauerkraut). Rosehip and hibiscus tea are preferred as drinks.

Which diet to choose: low-carbohydrate (Kremlin, Atkins).

Correct Taurus nutrition

Taurus are prone to slow metabolism, which is why they should carefully monitor their diet. Fortunately, this sign is rather picky about food, and its representatives will not eat everything. It’s bad that if a Taurus finds “his” product, he can overeat it to the dump. To stay healthy, Taurus should consume sodium sulfate in order to get rid of body fluids. And these are oats, raspberries, strawberries, beef and onions.

You can’t eat: any sweets, fatty meats and coffee.

You can eat: milk, fermented milk products, plant products, nuts, seafood, fruits (oranges, apricots and peaches). You should limit your tea intake and drink more hot drinks with lemon or chamomile.

Which diet to choose: low-carbohydrate or low-calorie.

Good nutrition for Gemini

Gemini is a sign of a split, so they often experience stress, which they eat up with sweets and drink a lot of alcohol. It is necessary to introduce into the diet as many products with potassium and B vitamins as possible (zucchini, eggplant, figs, cabbage, potatoes).

You can’t eat: sweet, fatty foods and strong alcoholic beverages.

You can eat: cheese, hazelnuts, eggs, seafood, lean meats, legumes and cereals. It is advisable to replace sugar with honey or natural syrup.

Which diet to choose: carbohydrate-free and frequent fasting days.

Healthy Cancer Nutrition

Cancer has a very weak digestive system, so there are often problems with the regulation of the body’s water-salt balance. To solve this problem, you should pay attention to calcium fluoride, which is found in seafood, tea and sea fish.

You can’t eat: confectionery, raw vegetables, fruits.

You can eat: cereals, fermented milk and dairy products, poultry, lean fish, garlic, vegetable soups.

Which diet to choose: kefir or cottage cheese, a diet based on vegetable soups.

Proper nutrition for Leo

Leos are very fond of a hearty meal, especially if the food has a bright sweet taste. To reduce the rate of weight gain, this sign should eat foods with phosphorus: oatmeal, buckwheat and wheat groats, soy, cocoa, fish and eggs.

You can’t eat: heavy fatty foods, sweet pastries, alcohol.

You can eat: citrus fruits, dairy products, white meats such as parsnips, garlic, celery, squash, potatoes, figs and dried apricots.

Which diet to choose: citrus or low-carb.

Correct Virgo nutrition

Virgo is picky about food and most often intuitively eats right. But an important point is being missed: the regularity of meals. It is important for this sign to consume a lot of iron phosphate and potassium sulfate, which are found in apples, zucchini, millet, oats and buckwheat.

You can’t eat: conservation, sweets and smoked meats, alcohol.

You can eat: pasta, cereals, stewed vegetables and dairy products. From fruits – pomegranates, grapes, apricots and apples.

Which diet to choose: based on dietary soups, separate meals.

Proper nutrition of your Scales

Libra, in principle, does not overdo it in food, but it cannot cope with its one passion – the craving for salty. Hence, swelling and disturbances in the water balance of the body. Libra benefits from sodium phosphate, which is found in beets, asparagus, peaches, almonds and corn.

You can’t eat: pickles, smoked meats, baked goods with margarine and milk.

You can eat: cereals, herbal pasta, seafood and poultry. Add cucumbers, beets, black currants, cranberries, mussels, radishes, pumpkin, brown rice, vegetable oil to the food.

Which diet to choose: diet Protasov, watermelon or banana diet.

Proper nutrition for Scorpio

Scorpios are in a hurry, and therefore their food is often on the run. Accordingly, the products are used by them, convenient for a quick snack. And in the evening – the most dense meal. Foods with calcium sulfate will help Scorpios change the situation – leeks, asparagus, watercress, prunes and gooseberries.

You can’t eat: spicy dishes, pastries.

You can eat: seafood, game, turnips, beets, cabbage, citrus fruits and apples, as well as spices such as vanilla, ginseng, basil, cardamom and sage.

Which diet to choose: frequent fasting days, diet of Atkins and Protasov.

Sagittarius nutrition

Sagittarius are very energetic, they love fatty foods and a lot of alcohol, although this is just contraindicated for them. This zodiac sign needs potassium chloride and silica, which are contained in special types of mineral water.

You can’t eat: smoked meats and pork, pickles and sweets.

You can eat: vegetable oils, legumes, fish delicacies, dairy products, asparagus, nettles, cucumbers, parsley, basil, cilantro, parsnips, mint, celery, peaches, mangoes, apricots and apples.

Which diet to choose: based on green peas and a porridge diet.

Proper nutrition of Capricorn

Capricorns suffer from a slowed-down metabolism, and therefore it should be constantly stimulated additionally. Herbs and condiments will help with this: mint, anise, basil, celery, cloves, parsley and sage. The body also lacks phosphates and fluorides, which are found in eggshells, sea fish and tea.

You can’t eat: sweets, spinach, all fried foods and canned foods. You can not mix carbohydrates and proteins in the same plate, and also eat desserts after the main meal.

You can eat: cereal bread, cottage cheese, pasta, kefir, stews and lean meats, eggplant, carrots, cherries, blackberries, melons, strawberries and plums. Eat honey instead of sugar.

Which diet to choose: sparing kefir, buckwheat, apple.

Proper nutrition for Aquarius

Aquarius is an energetic sign, therefore it requires constant replenishment. They need magnesium phosphate, found in beans, peanuts, cocoa, soybeans, and buckwheat.

You can’t eat: cakes, baked goods, smoked meats.

You can eat: buckwheat, vegetable soups, fruits (plums, pomegranates, apples), vegetables (spinach, eggplant, beans, zucchini, beets), fish and white meat, dairy products.

Which diet to choose: with calorie restriction or low carbohydrate.

Proper nutrition of Pisces

Pisces often have various diseases, including chronic ones. It is important for this sign to consume enough liquid, as well as consume more buckwheat, rose hips and quince.

You can’t eat: fats, sugar, hot sauces.

You can eat: summer vegetable salads, porridge (pearl barley, rice, buckwheat), seafood, pomegranates, grapes, walnuts and sunflower seeds.

Which diet to choose: separate meals or mono-diet with calorie restriction.

Recall that earlier we talked about which coffee drinks are preferred by different signs of the zodiac, and also warned which food is harmful to different signs of the zodiac. 

Be healthy!

Be healthy!

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