How to eat properly after 35 years

At 20, you can afford high-calorie food, a lot of alcohol, completely without thinking about the consequences. With age, we revise our habits and try to treat our body more carefully, for example, do not eat certain foods. What principles should be followed after 35 years of age?

No snacks 

Frequent snacks, sometimes not even associated with an acute feeling of hunger, are fraught with the rapid development of a disease such as diabetes. With a constant intake of food in the body, an uninterrupted production of cortisol occurs, which provokes stress and contributes to obesity.


No dietary supplements 

The craze for pharmaceutical bioadditives leads to the fact that the body is oversaturated with certain substances, which, by the way, no one controls by analyzes. Give up dietary supplements, while adjusting your diet so that all the necessary vitamins and minerals enter your body with food.

Yes probiotics

As we age, the intestines need support. It is on his condition that both health and mood depend. Add probiotics to your meals periodically, drink or eat natural yoghurts without additives, or make your own.

Yes to dairy products

Many people at this age come to sports, the load on the joints increases. And our body is in dire need of calcium. A glass of milk a day or any other dairy products should be included in the daily diet so as not to experience problems.

No fast food

All instant food is a source of preservatives, excess sugar. All this increases the load on the internal organs, especially the liver, slows down the metabolism and leads to a set of extra pounds. Such food should be completely excluded from your diet.

Yes Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the best in terms of balance and variety of the menu. With its help, you need to not only lose weight, but also just keep your figure in a comfortable shape. This diet contains a lot of white meat, poultry, fish, vegetable oils and a minimum of carbohydrates.

We hope you find these tips helpful!

Be healthy!

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