Let’s make a reservation right away: this article will not talk about how to drink vodka without getting drunk, nor about the dangers or benefits of this well-deserved drink, nor about the ability to choose vodka or distinguish a real product from a fake, namely, how to drink vodka correctly, then is, directly about vodka culture.
In general terms, vodka is a forty-degree alcoholic drink, consisting of grain or grain-potato alcohol free of impurities, mixed with unboiled, preferably spring water, which has undergone special treatment. Unlike most strong drinks of Western European origin, vodka is not aged in wooden barrels, but it is subjected to repeated purification and filtration, in some cases even with the use of precious metals.
This ancient, in a sense, ritual drink requires a respectful attitude. Otherwise, you may face many very unfortunate consequences of its use.
Speaking of a respectful attitude, we should start with the question of preparing for the use of the drink that interests us. In this regard, it should be borne in mind that vodka in its classic pure form is mainly a drinking phenomenon. As an aperitif, it can lead to a rapid subsequent intoxication, but as a digestif, it is generally not customary to use it, as it requires snacks, and besides, a light drink. Accordingly, the use of vodka implies a long, plentiful meal, coupled with the aforementioned thorough preparation.
Vodka temperature
First of all, you should take care of the optimal temperature of the drink. Of course, vodka should not be warm. This not only makes it unpleasant to taste, but also guarantees the inevitable intoxication in the shortest possible time. However, it is not recommended to put it in the freezer. The problem is that at low temperatures, most of the water will simply freeze and settle on the walls of the bottle in the form of ice crystals, and you will get almost undiluted alcohol.
It is best to put the bottle (or bottles) in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. As a result, you will get a pleasantly sweaty container with a temperature of 10-12 degrees. If you prefer colder vodka, then for this purpose you should put in the freezer not a bottle, but several empty shot glasses, into which, if necessary, you can pour a moderately chilled drink.
Proper use of vodka is hard to imagine without a good and plentiful snack. Bar snacks in this situation are not only inappropriate, but even contraindicated.
Snack can be both cold and hot.
In the first case, salted, pickled, and pickled vegetables are perfect: cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, eggplants, etc.; Salted and pickled mushrooms, as well as pickled apples, are a separate line here. As a derivative of pickles, it is worth mentioning various salads containing these same pickles, for example: vinaigrette or the good old Soviet Olivier salad. Suitable cold snacks are also smoked meats, jelly and lard in all its manifestations. Well, of course, one cannot do without fatty smoked fish, caviar and vigorous herring. Regarding sandwiches, there are serious differences among connoisseurs. Some consider them to be almost an ideal snack, others strongly do not recommend eating bread pastries, and sausage, by the way, too.
If we talk about hot appetizers, then it will be easier to list things that are not suitable for vodka, since this drink goes well not only with most culinary creations of East and West Slavic cuisine, but also with many dishes originating from other regions of the Old and New Worlds. So, according to connoisseurs, it is better not to eat vodka with boiled meat and fish, as well as lamb dishes.
As for desserts, then, in principle, vodka may well be combined with some of them. First of all, we are talking about citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines, grapefruits. They not only create a curious taste contrast with vodka, but also partially neutralize alcohol. Also, the mentioned drink goes very well with a chilled watermelon.
Associated drinks
During a feast with vodka, it is recommended to pay tribute to various refreshing soft drinks in between toasts. Thus, we reduce the concentration of alcohol in our stomach. Therefore, when preparing for the event, do not forget to put some juices, fruit drinks or compotes on the table.
However, avoid carbonated drinks at all costs. They irritate the mucous membrane of the walls of the stomach, thereby accelerating the effect of vodka on the body.
Pure vodka
There are many very different ways to drink vodka. We will talk about some of them below.
Most often, vodka is drunk in three steps: exhalation, overturning a 50-gram shot in one gulp, followed by a slow breath and another sharp exhalation; after which the drink can be eaten.
A more thoughtful way is as follows: briefly admiring a steamed 50-gram container, exhaling sharply, tipping the stack into your mouth while inhaling slowly, passing the drink through the entire surface of the tongue, briefly listening to the pleasant chill spreading inside, another sharp exhalation, sniffing a piece of fresh , ideally still warm rye bread and, finally, an appetizer.
True, it is worth noting that 50-gram dishes are by no means acceptable to everyone. So, one of the leaders of the former USSR, Leonid Brezhnev, recommended first taking 50, then 100, and finally – 150 grams of the national product. The Soviet composer Dmitri Shostakovich preferred to drink half a liter in two batches. First, he drank a glass of vodka, then had a very hearty snack, after which he repeated the procedure, ate a little more and, without losing dignity, went to rest.
Vodka in mixes and cocktails
For a long time, the only mix using vodka was the well-known “Ruff” – a mixture of the mentioned drink with beer.
When vodka burst onto the world stage in the middle of the last century, it inevitably became part of Western cocktail culture. The almost neutral taste of vodka has made it indispensable in mixes with other alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. It began to be mixed with cola and soda, juices and liquors. At the same time, 1 part of vodka to 2 or 3 parts of another drink is considered the optimally acceptable proportion. Of course, the goal of all these manipulations, as in the case of “Ruff”, is nothing more than the fastest, highest quality intoxication. Although, it is worth noting that in the end, the most popular mixes with vodka were its mixtures with sweet and sour and bitter juices, as well as with tomato juice.
Show cocktails with vodka
Relevance: 19.10.2015
Tags: vodka, mash, moonshine