How to drink carrot juice so that carotene is absorbed

Freshly squeezed natural carrot juice is the undisputed leader among other fruit and vegetable drinks in terms of fiber and carotene content. If you drink it constantly, your working capacity and mood will improve, viruses will not stick.

To get the most out of carrot juice, follow these simple guidelines:

  • Freshly squeezed juice from carrots should be drunk immediately, in extreme cases – an hour after its preparation.
  • For an hour after drinking the drink, do not eat food that contains starch, carbohydrates, flour and concentrated sugar.
  • Carotene, found in carrots, is a fat-soluble element, so carrot juice, like carrot salad, should be used with any butter or cream. Only a few drops of olive oil should be added to the juice.
  • The resulting juice usually settles quickly, so stir before serving.
  • The optimal dose of carrot juice is 200-250 ml per day. Some people drink three liters of this juice a day. It is not necessary to do this, do not listen to such dubious recommendations. This can cause liver disease. Maximum for carrot juice is 500 ml.

We will remind, earlier we told how to lose weight with the help of carrots, and also shared recipes for delicious dishes from carrots.

Be healthy! 


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