It would seem that in the heat, the appetite decreases, finally, you can lose a couple of kilograms and get closer to the desired weight. But for some reason, sometimes it happens exactly the opposite – with an increase in temperature outside the window, appetite also grows, while impulsively, with bouts of uncontrolled sudden hunger. Contrary to logic – the body does not need extra energy to warm the body – we pounce on food. What is happening and how to deal with it?
Stress and mood
The first reason why we never manage to absorb junk food in a controlled manner is bad mood and stress. The state of the nervous system does not depend on the season, and therefore, even in the heat, we tend to follow the easiest path – to seize up sadness, longing, sadness and problems.
More often, sweet, high-carbohydrate food gives satisfaction for a while, improves mood – addiction arises.
If it takes a long time to root out causes and solve problems, you should look for other ways to distract yourself and boost your mood. Think about what other things or actions make you happier? A walk, a meeting with friends, a good movie or a book … And try not to miss the main meals – so the body will tune in to the regime and forget about psychological impulsivity and incontinence.
Violation of the regime
The second common cause of hunger in the heat is a violation of the regime. In fact, I don’t feel like eating at all in the scorching sun, but the body still needs calories to ensure movement, the work of internal organs, and so on. Half the day we are interrupted by light snacks, and as soon as the heat subsides, suddenly there is hunger. It is worth getting into an air-conditioned room – after a few minutes your appetite returns, and the exhausted body tries to make up for the losses and forces you to eat more than the norm.
To rectify the situation, the regime should be returned, albeit slightly adapted to weather conditions. Do not saturate the body only with vegetables and yoghurts, but fully eat long-term carbohydrates, proteins and fats – cereals, meat and fish, dairy products and eggs. And only as a supplement – vegetables and fruit snacks.
Alternatively, transfer breakfast to an earlier time, when the sun has not yet warmed up the air to stifling temperatures, then the thought of oatmeal at 9 am will not associate you with torture, and your body will be full of vigor.
Revise the usual menu and exclude from it varieties of meat or hot soup that are heavy for your stomach, when it takes a lot of energy to digest – save them to adapt in the heat. So, your salvation is cold soups, carpaccios, low-fat fish, pickled vegetables.
Drink plenty of cool water, not hot coffee or tea. It is preferable that there are fewer sugary drinks – sugar stimulates the appetite and is addictive.