How to cook kurt

This fermented milk product is very popular among the peoples of Central Asia. The thing is that it is very easy to store it for a long time and take it with you. Plus, it goes well with meat products and is very nutritious. Kurt can be either a completely independent dish – especially often used as a snack for beer – or an addition to meat and broth, an ingredient in salad or soup.

Outwardly, the kurt looks like a white ball, about 2 cm in size. It is prepared from dry sour milk, more often from cow milk. Less common is the kurt made from sheep or goat milk. And there are regions and countries where rather exotic buffalo (Armenia), camel (Kyrgyzstan) or mare’s milk (southern Kyrgyzstan, Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Mongolia) is used for kurt. Cooking is not difficult.


  • 2 p. Milk
  • 200 ml. Kumis or fermented milk sourdough 
  • 1 gr. Salt 



1. Milk should be boiled and cooled to 30-35 degrees. Then pour the sourdough into the milk. Ideally, it should be kumis or katyk, but it may not be in your area, so sour milk or a special ferment of fermented milk cultures is the best option.

2. Stir the liquid thoroughly, wrap it in heat and leave to ferment for a day. If you have a yogurt maker, you can easily make a sourdough starter with it overnight.

3. When the milk is fermented, then it must be boiled: put on a low heat and cook until the mass appears flakes and whey separates.

4. Select the flakes with a slotted spoon. Serum is not useful for this product. The resulting curd must be placed in cheesecloth and hung over the dishes so that it stacks.

5. The resulting thick mass should be salted according to your taste and rolled into balls. But you can give it another shape.

6. It remains only to dry the product. In summer, this can be done naturally – in the air and in the sun, then this process will take 4 days or more. And in winter, it is better to dry the kurt in the oven, which must be set to the minimum temperature and kept slightly ajar.

If you want a sweet version of the kurt, you can add sugar instead of salt. Then you will have a kind of fermented milk dessert. The principle of preparation of sweet kurt is similar to salty one.

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