How to cook guinea-fowl eggs?

Boil the guinea-fowl eggs for 5 minutes.

Delicious facts

The shelf life of guinea fowl eggs is about six months, even at a temperature of +10 degrees. Such a long shelf life is due to the thick shell. This is also due to the rather high strength of the guinea-fowl eggs.

The weight of a guinea fowl is about 40 grams.


In Russia, guinea fowl eggs are considered an exotic dish, the price of which can range from 75 rubles / ten or more (the average price in Moscow in June 2017). Fans of guinea fowl eggs sometimes have to buy them by appointment.

About the benefits of a guinea fowl egg

– Calorie content – 45 kcal per 100 grams of eggs.

– Caesar’s eggs are also useful in raw form, while they do not have pronounced allergic reactions. Guinea egg mask has a rejuvenating effect: a yolk-based mask is made for dry skin type, protein-based – for oily skin types, based on a mixture of yolk and protein – for normal and mixed skin types. You can mix the guinea’s egg with honey.

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