How to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins? Video
Improper diet, smoking, poor ecology and much more leads to the accumulation of toxins and toxins in the body, which can cause general malaise and the development of serious diseases. There are a lot of ways to cleanse the body of harmful substances, so choosing the best option is easy.
How to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins?
How to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins
Wastes and toxins accumulate primarily in the intestines, which is why colon hydrotherapy is an excellent way to cope with the problem. The essence of the procedure is to inject a large amount of water into the large intestine, which washes away the deposits of fecal masses. Disposal of waste products is carried out through the discharge nozzle into the sewer. During the procedure, a specialist controls the entire process using special equipment.
Colon hydrotherapy promotes the elimination of radionuclides, phenols, heavy metals and other harmful substances from the body. The procedure can be carried out twice a year. After hydrocolonotherapy there is a decrease in weight to 7–8 kg, tone improves, and a charge of energy appears.
Often, people prone to allergic reactions note that after the procedure, skin rashes stop appearing at an enviable frequency.
To cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins, ordinary enemas with a mug of Esmarch will also help. But you should not get carried away with this method, because together with the feces you will wash out from the intestines a lot of beneficial bacteria that are necessary for the human body. To increase the effectiveness of enemas, use a magnesium solution instead of regular water.
If you do not know how to use Esmarch’s mug or are extremely squeamish, use the same magnesia powder. Dissolve 10 to 25 mg in half a glass of warm water, stir well. Make sure all the crystals have dissolved, and then drink the entire solution in one gulp. Magnesia will help remove toxins and toxins.
Stay at home on this day, because magnesia has an extremely strong laxative effect. As a result of an increase in osmotic pressure in the intestine, even fecal stones are excreted.
Therapeutic fasting: getting rid of toxins and toxins
With the help of a 36-hour fast, you can cleanse your body of toxins and toxins quite well. At this time, you can drink exclusively water, even eating fruits and vegetables is undesirable. After 1,5 days, start eating exceptionally low-calorie foods, for example, boiled vegetables, light soups, etc. Fasting can only be done once a week.
If you first decided to cleanse your body through fasting, watch your well-being. Beginners can drink low-fat kefir, eat green apples. If you have severe dizziness, give up the idea, otherwise you may end up in a hospital bed.
Whatever method of cleansing the body you choose, do not forget that in addition to procedures, you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition at all times. And it is worth giving up alcohol and smoking altogether.
Read on: Prolonged sleep is bad for your health.