How to choose the right pears?

How to choose the right pears?

How to choose the right pears?

Pear – one of the most delicious and beloved fruits, whose delicate taste is well known to each of us from childhood. The fruit first came to our country in the distant 15th century and since then it has enjoyed the constant love of children and adults.

In addition to excellent taste, pear can be considered a real treasure of vitamins, minerals and trace elements… Regular consumption of pears will allow:

  • normalize the metabolism;
  • increase the protective functions of the body;
  • accelerate tissue healing.

How to choose the right pears?

There are an incredible number of pears:

  • fiber;
  • fructose;
  • glucose and sucrose;
  • vitamins of group C and P;
  • citric acid

… and many other essential substances for health.

Of course, all these useful substances can be found only in those pears that were grown without the use of prohibited fertilizers and were delivered to the store in compliance with all safety standards.

How not to make a mistake with the choice and get a really tasty and healthy fruit?

How to choose the right pears?

Like many other fruits, the pear is removed from the tree unripe. In the process of transportation, the pear ripens by itself, which is why its taste does not suffer at all, but on the contrary, it becomes much richer. It is recommended to purchase exactly hard and unripe pears. In a few days they will be able to ripen already at your home, and from unripe and hard fruits at this time you can cook more than one delicious dish.

  • Color… It can hardly fully characterize its quality. The fact is that various varieties of pears (and there are more than a thousand of them in the world) have quite different colors. But the presence of black dots on a fruit can be a signal that it is better to refrain from buying such a fruit.
  • Smell… It can be an excellent indicator of its quality. A ripe delicious pear exudes a delicious delicate aroma and literally asks for a mouthful.
  • Integrity… Many suppliers wrap each pear in a separate package to minimize mechanical damage during transportation. When buying, you should not be too lazy and touch each fruit yourself, because many careless sellers in pursuit of profit sin by mixing an absolutely illiquid product that should be incomparably cheaper, or even completely subject to disposal.
  • Fruit surface… Imported pears brought from far away can be distinguished by their excessive gloss and a slightly greasy surface. Foreign suppliers cover fruits with a special composition so that they do not deteriorate during a long journey. These fruits should be rinsed thoroughly before eating, although some people prefer to simply peel off the skin of the fruit and not use it for food.
  • Stalk condition… In a high-quality and ripe pear, the peduncle does not yet have time to dry completely and seems elastic and soft to the touch. It is better to prefer such a pear to the one, the stalk of which has already become dry and brittle.

To better navigate the world of fragrant and juicy pears, you should imagine what varieties of pears are the most delicious and popular, and how to distinguish them in the store:

  • duchess pear… The pear variety is native to France. The color of the fruit of this variety is bright yellow, and on the sides of the fruit it is pinkish. The pear has wide flanks, is very juicy and tasty. The variety is very popular, but it deteriorates quickly enough, so you should be especially careful when buying. After harvesting, such a pear can be stored for no more than a week.

    How to choose the right pears?

  • Chinese pear… It resembles an apple in shape. The color of the fruit is pale yellow, and the taste is crispy, not very sweet and somewhat harsh.

    How to choose the right pears?

  • Williams… This pear is native to England. It is possible to distinguish such a fruit by its yellow-green color with reddish sides. Pears of this variety are incredibly tender and juicy. Manufacturers of baby food prefer to use this particular pear variety for their products.

    How to choose the right pears?

  • Conference… This variety also came from England. The fruits have an oblong shape and a yellow-green rind, which, by the way, is quite tough, but incredibly healthy. This pear is very juicy and tasty.

How to choose the right pears?

How to store pears correctly?

Of course, it is not enough to be able to choose the right pears in the store, it is equally important to be able to store them correctly. Pears tend to spoil quite quickly, so it’s best to find a cool place in the refrigerator or on the balcony for storing them. It is best to store unripe fruits at room temperature..

So that the delicate aroma of pears does not lose its attractiveness and does not mix with foreign odors, they should be stored separately. Remember that ripe pears can be stored for no more than three days.… If any fruit is overripe and starts to spoil, it is best to put it separately or eat it right away.

Choose pears correctly and enjoy their amazing delicate taste and unique aroma! Bon Appetit!

Issue No. 451 of the “Everything will be fine” program (choose healthy pears)

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