Even avocado lovers do not always guess its ripeness, but they have several signs by which one can determine whether this fruit is edible now or should it lie down?
You shouldn’t pay attention to the top layer of the avocado – you can easily make a mistake. For example, a soft avocado can be hard and tart on the inside. Choose an avocado according to …
… to the color
Avocado maturity gradient scale from light green to dark. Accordingly, pale fruits take time to ripen, and dark ones are ready to eat. Moreover, the lighter the fruit, the harder it is. And even the most ripe-looking avocado may require lying on the windowsill for another day, so plan to buy an avocado in advance. The fruit, which can be eaten straight away, is almost brown in color, but often stores avoid overripe products.
… the shank
When you decide on the color and softness of the avocado, pay attention to its stalk, or rather the color of the peel under it. A light yellow spot indicates the correctness of your choice, a brown color – the avocado is overripe and it is possible that it has begun to rot.