A common way to invigorate yourself is to drink coffee or eat a caffeinated product. The habit of drinking several cups of coffee a day inevitably leads to health problems: addiction, restless sleep, or headaches. How can you tone up with foods without resorting to caffeine?
Protein food takes longer to digest and gives more strength to the body. It is not necessary to have a full-fledged protein snack, it is enough to spread a slice of bread with cottage cheese or peanut butter, and save a handful of nuts with dried fruits. For athletes – a protein shake and dairy products. If you have a hard day, add meat, fish, eggs for breakfast.
Vitamin B
Symptoms of a vitamin B deficiency include depression, mood swings, loss of energy, and poor ability to concentrate. You can replenish the reserves of this vitamin by eating legumes, fish, nuts, eggs, or additionally taking vitamins that belong to the fat-soluble group and require sufficient intake of fats.
Chocolate contains sugar for energy and endorphins. Chocolate improves mood, though only for a few hours, and like coffee makes you want to eat another piece, and this is fraught with the figure. It is better to resort to chocolate if your fatigue has already become chronic and the stress will continue for some more time, for example, a session or a project delivery at work. Chocolate lowers blood pressure and raises levels of serotonin, which is responsible for mood.
Orange juice
Citrus fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, and it is undoubtedly capable of energizing the body. A glass of freshly squeezed natural juice in the morning will give you the opportunity to feel more vigorous until lunchtime, and it is also a good prevention of colds that drain your strength. But it is undesirable to drink juice on an empty stomach, as citrus acid can seriously harm the digestive system.
Thanks to freezing, berries are available to us all year round, and their contribution to the energy supply of the body is invaluable. They tone and increase endurance, enhance immunity and contain a large amount of vitamins C, A, E. Berries contain pectin, which binds toxins and promotes their elimination from the body.
Green tea
Green tea is a great energy drink, only with a more delayed action. It contains a lot of vitamin C. This drink tones up and stimulates energy. Green tea contains vitamins P, B, K, PP, A, D, E, as well as fluorine, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, phosphorus, calcium. Such a composition provides the body with the necessary strength, and for breakfast it will be an excellent alternative to coffee.
This fruit, due to its high boron content, increases the ability to focus and concentrate on tasks, so it is important to eat apples for mental tasks. The fruits also contain quercetin, a substance that releases energy from muscle cells. An apple eaten before training will significantly increase the body’s endurance.
It is a sugar product, but the sugar from bananas is absorbed much better, providing the body with additional energy. Bananas contain both fast and slow carbohydrates, so you feel energized immediately after eating them and persist for a long time. Potassium, which is rich in bananas, increases the strength of muscle contraction, which is why this fruit is so good for everyone who is engaged in physical activity.