How to catch catfish from the shore and what bait to use

Catfish is one of the largest freshwater fish. It can reach 5 meters in length and weigh 400 kg. The largest officially registered catfish was caught on the Dnieper. The mass was 306 kg, and the length was more than 3 meters. The age of the fish exceeded 80 years. Since then, no larger specimens have been recorded.

Features of catching catfish in July

Unlike most other fish, the behavior of catfish in July is significantly different. Hot summer days for the giant have a positive effect. His activity does not disappear and, accordingly, fishing brings a good result.

How to catch catfish from the shore and what bait to use

The best time to hunt big fish will be night and early morning. You should also know that catfish prefer to live in depth differences. In such places, he is looking for his prey. Based on the love of warmth, we can conclude that the best months for fishing will be July and August.

During the day, you can also catch him hunting, but in the presence of muddy water. It mostly lies in thickets or pits. The greatest activity is observed before a thunderstorm and during rain. In such weather, the “whiskered” can also go to coastal waters.

What is the best bait to use

The use of bait does not have a certain constancy, if we consider fishing at different times of the year. Some will work well in winter, others will work well in summer. Catfish is very sensitive to temperature changes. Prefers warm water.

The most effective summer baits are:

  • Zivec;
  • Locust;
  • Mollusk;
  • Frog;
  • Worms (bundle).

In a word, all the baits included in the fish feed base will do.

Bait selection

When choosing a bait, consider the following points:

  • Vision. This organ is poorly developed in fish. In addition, catfish often live in muddy waters. Accordingly, the color of the bait does not play a big role;
  • Hearing. This is worth focusing on. The predator will not let noisy prey pass by.

Creeps are considered attractive (due to their large size) and dung worms (beckon fish with their aroma). You will have to stock up on a good amount, as they are put on the hook in a bunch. Otherwise, the catfish simply will not notice the bait. In addition, such a cluster will give out vibrations in the water, enticing the fish to attack.

Chicken offal and even singed feathers can be a good option. Combined baits are not allowed. The more scent, the better.

How to catch catfish from the shore and what bait to use

Do not leave indifferent catfish, large insects such as locust or bear. But finding them in the right amount is quite difficult. Locusts live in fields and move at high speed, which complicates the process of catching. To get a bear, you have to dig deep into the ground.

Artificial baits, although they do not differ in good catchability, can be used. Wobblers are considered the best option. As a rule, these are large nozzles with a good level of penetration and buoyancy. An additional advantage will be the equipment of sound elements. Some anglers are armed with silicone lures equipped with heavy jig heads. An old classic option is oscillating baubles.

Fishing methods

Catfish, like any other fish, can be caught in various ways. One of the interesting and rather experimental is popper fishing. True, not any such tackle is suitable for these purposes.

Ideally, it should make popping sounds with sharp twitches. They will attract the mustachioed. The principle of operation is the same as that of the quok. The average recommended bait weight is 12-65 gr. Good catchability is shown by two-piece nozzles.

Fishing is carried out as follows:

  • We throw the bait;
  • We are waiting for splashdown;
  • We perform three jerks with minimal pauses;
  • 5-6 seconds uniform wiring is performed.

Thus the process is repeated again. “Giant” can take prey during jerks or wiring. In a word, you should expect a bite at any moment.

Donkey fishing

Donka is a rather primitive tackle. It consists of a heavy sliding sinker weighing 100-150 gr. A strong braid is attached to it. The rod will need a marine type (durable). A frog is suitable as a nozzle. It is mounted on a hook by the hind leg.

Asp, ide, pike and sabrefish will be out of competition. You can also cut fish fillets. Bird giblets show high efficiency. According to the experience of anglers, laundry soap is a rather interesting and at the same time catchy bait. The emitted strong smell well attracts a predator.

How to catch catfish from the shore and what bait to use

Such tackle can be used both for fishing from the shore and from a boat. In the first case, fishing is carried out mainly at night, and in the second – during the day.

Important! Safety precautions must come first. Especially if fishing is carried out from a boat. Most of the line is under the feet of the fisherman. With a sharp jerk of the catfish, the fishing line can wrap around the leg and pull the person into the water. Therefore, it is important to have a knife with you in order to cut the fishing line at a dangerous moment.

Kwok fishing

In this case, hunting for large fish is carried out using a sound simulator. The quok is a device that makes a gurgling sound when it hits the water. This causes the catfish to leave its hole and move towards the source of the sound.

It is still not exactly established what exactly attracts catfish. There is an opinion that such noise comes from swallowing prey from the surface of the water. Others claim that such a sound resembles the call of a female.

Kwok fishing is used from a boat. Tackle consists of a rod or reel, to which a hook and bait are attached (any catfish included in the food base). The kwok itself is made of wood or metal. It is believed that wooden ones are more efficient.

At first glance, it may seem that using Kwok is easy. In fact, this requires some experience. It is important to properly hit the water. When in contact with the surface of the reservoir, air should remain in the quokka, which subsequently turns into a bubble resembling a soap bubble. This is the key point. The bubble rising to the surface bursts, making a characteristic sound audible for hundreds of meters.

The fishing technique is as follows.

  • The tackle is lowered into the water to a depth of 4-5 meters with one hand;
  • With the other hand, beat the wok against the water.

It is important that at the moment of contact with water it is in a perpendicular position. Already in the water we draw an arc. Thus, an air bubble should be obtained.

We perform several such strikes and if there is no bite, then perhaps we should change the place of fishing. It is necessary to position the boat directly above the catfish pit.

Spinning fishing

It is possible to catch quite large fish on spinning. Of course, the gear must fit the purpose. The weight of catfish can reach serious values. Dealing with such a giant is not easy.

The average recommended rod size is 2,7-3 m with a test of 60-100 gr. It may seem that the rod is too long. In fact, it is this size that allows you to manage the giant during nursing. In addition, it is easier to make a long cast.

The reel must also match the intended production. It should hold at least 200 meters of line. Large heavy oscillators are suitable as bait. You can also use pigeon wobblers or jig nozzles.

How to catch catfish from the shore and what bait to use

Fishing for catfish in the summer can bring good results. After spawning, he begins to eat. But in the middle of a hot period, the efficiency of spinning is noticeably reduced. This is due to the fact that the predator practically ceases to feed during the day, but at night it shows increased activity. But using spinning at night is rather inconvenient.

It is important to choose the right fishing spot. The mustachioed can be found in pits, snags, reaches, channel ditches, etc. It is also worth considering that the fish does not like strong currents. Another important feature is the solitary lifestyle. In promising areas, you can meet a maximum of two, three individuals. If the catfish is large, then it may not let other fellows into its dwelling at all.

Spinning fishing technique should be calm and unhurried. A large predator will not chase a fast wobbler. There is a difference between fishing in a reservoir with a strong current and without. In the first case, you will need a more powerful rod with a test of 75-250 and reliable equipment. The wiring technique does not differ from angling pike perch or pike. The bait is carried along the bottom in spasmodic movements. The only difference is the pause. It should be a little longer, 5-15 seconds.

Understanding a bite is sometimes quite difficult. It practically does not differ from the usual snag hook. After a few seconds, and sometimes 10 seconds, the hook “comes to life”. The wiring technique with a classic spinner should be as sluggish and shaky as the design of the spoon allows.

How to choose a place

The choice of fishing site depends on the behavior of the predator and daily migrations in search of food. Most often, the mustachioed spends time at a depth in zakoryazhennyh areas, pits, under a dense layer of reeds and other natural shelters. But it is not a fact that a predator will peck at its place of rest. Usually he goes to nearby areas to feed, and here you should wait for him.

A promising point can be identified by a steep canal bank. In such places there are always pits, where catfish likes to live. The nearby flat area will be the best place for fishing. It is at the exits and entrances to the pits that you should wait for the fish. There are cases that catfish is shown on the surface of the reservoir. The purpose of this behavior is not clear, but in this way it is possible to determine its location.

Interesting Facts

While most fish breed in water with average temperatures, catfish do so at 18 degrees. It turns out pretty warm water. Therefore, on a hot summer day, you can be sure that the predator is in its most active phase.

Catfish is quite a cunning hunter. To lure prey, he moves his mustache and opens his mouth. As soon as the prey enters the zone of its action, it draws in water and literally sucks the victim into its mouth.

The predator is gluttonous. It eats everything that gets in its way. There are cases when large individuals dragged dogs and even calves from the shore. Such a fish can be dangerous for humans.

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