How to care for a newborn

When a newborn appears in the house, there are plenty of reasons for concern. But sometimes we add excitement to ourselves.

Although many books have been published, there are many courses and other guides for caring for a child, all the same, every mother discovers this science anew. After all, books are all theory. And the baby in the arms is the most that neither is the practice. Trying to implement all the valuable tips for caring for a child, we sometimes go too far, forgetting that there are no perfect mothers at all. And we have 13 things that young moms get hung up on absolutely in vain.

Saggy tummy

Yes, for many it comes as a shock that the stomach does not immediately pull up to a “pre-pregnant” state. On the first day, it looks like a month on the sixth and finally leaves after weeks. Well, until then, it hangs like an empty bag of leather. And don’t worry about it. The bandage and time will do their job – the tummy will return to its place. And in a couple of months the doctor, you see, will allow sports.

Cute outfits

For a child, not for yourself. All these suits, headbands and other cute things – the baby doesn’t really need all of this. He needs to be comfortable, not hot or cold. And it’s all. And a lot of tiny dresses, suits and bodysuits are needed only by mothers who want their baby to look like a doll. In addition, the child will grow out of them so quickly that you will not have time to put on all these things one time.


Constantly washing hands, disinfecting everything around the baby, boiling diapers and ironing all clothes on both sides – don’t do that, mommy. This is fanaticism that is even fatal to a baby. The kid must get acquainted with microbes, otherwise his immunity will not be able to form normally. Of course, this does not mean that children should be allowed to wallow in the mud. But normal hygiene is enough, and creating a sterile environment is definitely superfluous.


Yes, many people want to get back in shape as quickly as possible and try to do it with a strict diet. But, if you are breastfeeding, you must eat a balanced diet for the sake of your baby. You will get in shape anyway if you do not overuse empty calories – sweets, buns and other nonsense. So remember: proper, nutritious and regular nutrition is your direct responsibility.

The kid sleeps too much

Toddlers in the first weeks are generally busy only with eating and sleeping, and this is absolutely normal. However, many mothers tend to jump up and down every half hour and check if their baby is breathing at all. What if he sleeps too much? No, not too much. If the baby is gaining weight normally, eating, and giving up his natural needs, there is no cause for concern.

Daily regime

Feed every three hours, swim at eight, go to bed at nine. Forget it, Mom. No one needs your daily routine. Live in the same rhythm with your baby – and be happy. And the regime will begin to build later, when he is at least four months old. And even then, the regime will be very conditional.


And, sorry, the contents of the diaper. Yes, it can be different, even though the baby’s food is the same – breast milk or formula. So what? This is normal, as is colic, unless, of course, you find blood on the diaper. The baby’s intestines in the first three months are just getting ready for normal work – they are learning to digest food. After all, not everything turns out perfectly at once.

The kid does not smile

The picture, in which the baby is on her breast immediately after the cesarean and smiles, has spread over the Internet. Yes, children know how to smile from birth, but they do not always demonstrate this ability. The fact is that until a certain age a smile is reflexive, you will not always be able to catch it. Do not need. Just wait calmly for the baby to give out a conscious smile, addressed specifically to you, and it will be brighter than the sun.

“I do not have time for anything”

Yes, it is absolutely impossible to cope with all matters alone. Yes, despite the fact that you are sitting at home and not working, yet. For some reason, many people still find it difficult to understand that staying at home with a newborn is not endless relaxation, but a lot of work. And sometimes there is no time even to eat and go to the shower. It’s perfectly normal that you can’t be the perfect mom, the perfect housewife, and the perfect wife at the same time. Confess to yourself first – you need help. And boldly declare it.

Baby cries too much

For babies, crying is the only way to communicate their discomfort. And what kind of this discomfort you will have to find out for yourself. In the first three months, it can be commonplace colic. And anything else: a hair in the diaper, a wrinkle on the sheet, too hot, too cold, hungry, the diaper is wet, you want your hands … And that’s okay. By the way, the advice “let him roar” is harmful. Don’t listen to him.

Deviation from the schedule

I typed too much, a little later I began to hold my head, a little earlier I began to sit down – any deviation from the classic charts makes me nervous. Not worth it. Each child develops according to his own schedule, he has no task to meet the average norms. If the deviation is really serious, the pediatrician will inform you about it. Until then, relax and stop comparing your baby to others.

All the best

The best and most expensive stroller, a silicone spoon for the first feeding for 600 rubles, a baby monitor, a video baby monitor, all for big money. It is not at all necessary to spend all your money and take out loans in order to buy all the most expensive for your child, and even at one time. Buy as needed, and make the choice rationally, do not get fooled by the seller’s grimace “Do you feel sorry for your child for money?”

Baby photoshoot

It can be a nice thing, but it is also very expensive and completely optional. To capture the best moments of your life, you don’t need a professional photographer. Just ordinary photos on your phone are enough, and everything behind the scenes will instantly revive your memory, right down to smells and sounds. After all, our mothers didn’t even have mobile phones, only film cameras. But the photo albums didn’t get any worse.

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