How to attract good luck into your life: tips, rituals, videos

How to attract good luck into your life: tips, rituals, videos

😉 Greetings to my regular and new readers! Perhaps some of you consider yourself a person who is constantly unlucky. Do not despair, everything is in your hands! I hope these tips on how to attract good luck into your life will help you.

How to attract good luck

It is obvious that luck cannot be predicted, but it is entirely within the power of a person to plan for success. You can attract good luck into your life under the following conditions.

First, luck comes to positive people. Therefore, it is urgent to get rid of negative thoughts and avoid what causes negative emotions in you.

If you are a constantly whining pessimist, then in the stream of black thoughts you cannot see Lady Luck. Find benefits in any situation.

All thoughts of a person are reflected in his outer life. The aforesaid takes off to the sky and flies away into the vastness of the Universe. You need to believe that words and thoughts will materialize, and the Universe will fulfill your negative or positive “order”.

In order to attract good luck into your life, you will have to change the way of thinking. Stop grumbling, getting angry, resentful, and jealous. Try to smile more and not respond to nasty things!

How to attract good luck into your life: tips, rituals, videos

The phrases “I will succeed” or “I will achieve this!” Should be present in your mind. In short, everything is in your head!

As you can see, there is no magic wand for success. You are in control of your Life. You will have to work and improve every day and all your life!

Each person should have his own talisman, believing in which he will be able to invoke well-being in his life and in his home. Buy a money tree, hang a horseshoe over the door, put a figurine of a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth on your table.

The main rules for attracting success in love:

  • you need to monitor your appearance and clothing;
  • one should be optimistic, that is, be able to see the good in all the phenomena of life;
  • do not stop your search;
  • hobbies and interests should be broadened to establish new connections;
  • create an image of your preferences.

A ritual is known, which consists in the fact that in the morning during the moon phase – new moon, put a piece of paper with warm words in a pre-made envelope of red paper. On the outside of the envelope you need to make the inscription “Amplifier of love”. After twenty-seven days have passed, it should be burned.

Good luck rituals

There are special rituals to attract good luck. Required attributes are seven orange candles. The time of the ritual is midnight, when the sky is full of the moon in the sky.

Place the candles in a circle, focus your gaze and attention on the dancing flame, while mentally formulating your desire. It must meet one condition: information that is harmful to the outside world is not allowed.

This ceremony is one of the ways to attract luck into your life. It remains only not to miss the tail of the “firebird”.

Business success is possible

Positive events are possible if you have positive feelings in life, in particular, self-confidence, your chance to become rich, successful and loved. If you need to realize your intention, a small ritual can help: you should put a pinch of salt on a plate, put a pin on the salt overnight.

In the morning you need to stick a pin into your blouse or jacket and say the following:

“You shine a clear sun from the sky and give warmth to the earth. Give me good luck so that everything that I have planned to succeed. To life, the Sun, you give a source along with a bright light a stream. Give me success, so that luck will find me! “

The eastern method of feng shui (the science of harmonizing space) advises to rationally organize the space in the house: to make sure that things are in their places, do not infect the atmosphere with disorder. Get rid of the trash! Otherwise, luck will leave your home, because it does not live long where there is little freedom and positive energy.

See this video for more information

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