People believe that a woman does this for her own pleasure, and not for the welfare of her daughters.

Sophie Mae Lan is an aspiring blogger. She is 29 years old, she is married, she has two children, whom she breastfeeds. Everything seems to be fine, there is no need to offend the girl. But there is a caveat: her daughters are already quite adults. The eldest, Jasmine, is five years old, and the youngest, Arianna, is two years old. And it would be fine she only fed them at home. But if the girls suddenly want to kiss their mother’s breast somewhere in a public place, Sophie does not refuse them.

“I feel a little embarrassed about it. People are watching, and they are looking with bewilderment, ”says Sophie, slightly embarrassed.

The bewilderment is understandable. After all, the eldest girl is almost school age! Sophie’s husband, 30-year-old Chris, is also unhappy. After all, his wife is a fan of not only breastfeeding, but also sleeping together. The man would like his wife to finally stop breastfeeding. But…

“It caused some friction in our relationship,” Sophie shrugs. “But we both understand that breast milk is one of the healthiest things we can give our girls.”

Apparently, Chris will still have to sleep separately. Because the mother is sure that long-term feeding helps her to establish a particularly strong bond with the children.

According to The Mirror, all this woman told on the air of a British talk show. And the audience condemned her. In their opinion, all these words about the benefits of breast milk for children and a strong psychological connection are no more than excuses. People are sure: the mother does it only because she likes it so much. Well, and also to write and talk about it. After all, popularity is never superfluous for a blogger.

Sophie tried to explain: she said that breast milk goes to her children for free, so she saved thousands of pounds. But when the child is already five, this reason still looks rather weak.

“Someday I will have to stop feeding anyway. But for now, Jasmine and Arianna do not want to give up their breasts. And if they don’t want to, then it’s too early, ”Sophie put an end to the dispute.

However, there were fans who supported the woman: her Instagram page is full of compliments and encouraging words. According to Sophie’s followers, no one cares how much a mother should breastfeed a baby – or whether to breastfeed at all.

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