In order to boil quail eggs, you need to place them in a saucepan with hot or cold water, and cook after boiling for 5 minutes. To boil soft-boiled quail eggs, remove the pan from the heat earlier, after 1-2 minutes of boiling.
How to boil quail eggs
- Place the quail eggs in a saucepan and cover with hot or cold water so that it covers the quail eggs with a small amount.
- Put the pan with quail eggs on the fire, cook hard5 minutes after boiling, soft-boiled 1-2.
- Drain the boiling water from the quail eggs pan, pour cold water into the pan to cool the eggs faster.
- After a minute, drain the cold water and peel the quail eggs.
Your quail eggs are ready!
Delicious facts
In what water to cook quail eggs
When boiling, quail eggs are placed in any water: due to their small size, quail eggs will not crack even if you pour them with boiling water. The cooking time is counted from the beginning of the boiling of the water, so the temperature of the water only affects the waiting time for boiling. For even cooking, the water must completely cover the eggs.
How to quickly peel boiled quail eggs
Since quail eggs are very fragile even when cooked, you need to peel them carefully. Put the eggs in a jar, add water and shake for a couple of seconds. Then the shell will crack, and it can be removed without fear of damaging the eggs.
If you need to peel a lot of eggs, you can soak them in 9% vinegar for 20 minutes – the vinegar helps dissolve the shell. After 20 minutes, all that remains is to remove the film.
To break a raw quail egg, you need to carefully pierce it with a knife from above, near the sharp part of the quail egg, cut off the upper part of the shell and pour the contents into a bowl.
Can I cook in the microwave
Possible, but not recommended due to the potential for quail eggs to explode. Remember that eggs in the microwave do not heat up evenly, and although they are small and dense in shell, there is still a risk of explosion.
How to cook: select eggs of 1 size and not cracked, pour boiling water over. Make sure not one egg floats to the surface. Place in the microwave and cook for 1 minutes at medium (3-400 W) power.
Is it possible to eat raw
Quail eggs can be eaten raw, even more so – they are much healthier in their raw form. However, in raw form, you can only eat eggs that are not infected with salmonellosis. If in doubt, boil them at least soft-boiled.
Benefits of quail eggs
Quail eggs become triple tastier if you know their beneficial properties: quail eggs treat anemia, are useful for severe headaches, sensitivity to acute respiratory infections, chronic amnesia, ulcers and gastritis. Quail eggs are believed to be beneficial for the development of mental abilities, so their presence in the diet is desirable during preparation for exams. Quail eggs are especially beneficial for pregnant women. Regular consumption of quail eggs normalizes hemoglobin and calcium in the body. Crushed shells can be added to dishes at half a teaspoon per day, since shells are an excellent source of vitamins. Shells are especially useful for children from 1 year old, because the growing body needs calcium, which is so rich in shells.
Quail and chicken eggs
Quail eggs are especially beneficial for children because they are less likely to be allergic than boiled chicken eggs. They contain 5 times more potassium, iron – 4,5 times, 2,5 times more vitamins B1 and B2. Quail eggs are stored less than chicken eggs. In almost any recipe, chicken eggs can be replaced with quail eggs. Boiled quail eggs are used in holiday salads because of their diminutive size and milder taste.
How long does a quail egg weigh
A quail egg weighs 10-15 grams. In order to make breakfast with them, you will need a dozen per serving.
How to store quail eggs.
The shelf life of quail eggs is 40 days at a temperature of 0 to 20 degrees; 60 days at temperatures from 0 to 15 degrees. At the same time, the relative humidity should be 75-85%, therefore, it is better to store quail eggs in the refrigerator. Store boiled eggs for 2 days.
Is it possible to paint quail eggs for Easter
Yes – and it turns out very beautifully.
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